
tóng kǒng
  • pupil;pupil of the eye;sight;pupilla
瞳孔 [tóng kǒng]
  • [pupil of the eye] 眼睛虹膜中的一个可收缩的孔,在多数脊椎动物中,无论扩大或缩小时都是圆形的,但狐狸和猫的瞳孔收缩时变成椭圆状,像一条缝

瞳孔[tóng kǒng]
  1. 非扩张组的瞳孔反应能力明显优于扩张组(P<0.01)。

    There was a better pupil reaction in patients with fourth IVH and no dilation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. Nd∶YAG激光解除瞳孔膜闭

    Nd ∶ YAG Laser for Relieving the Occlusion of Pupil

  3. 她的瞳孔扩大了。

    Her pupils were dilated .

  4. 到了晚上,瞳孔就会扩大以接收更多光线。

    At night , the pupils dilate to allow in more light

  5. 首先,改变眼部黑色素的是眼部疾病,如青光眼(患者瞳孔内出现青绿色的反光)

    The first is a handful of ocular diseases like pigmentary glaucoma .

  6. 我认识的一个川菜爱好者说,麻辣的感觉就像“舌尖上的高潮”,能让你脉搏加快,瞳孔扩大,往往还会让你流鼻涕,让你的大脑在一个充满幸福的空间里飘荡。

    One Sichuan devotee I know describes the ma la sensation as a “ tonguegasm . ” The pulse increases and the pupils dilate2 , often accompanied by a postnasal drip . The brain floats in a euphoric ether .

  7. 主要指标瞳孔直径。关于Jordan标准形

    Main outcome measures Pupil diameter . ON THE JORDAN CANONICAL FORM

  8. 改进PF算法对红外图像中瞳孔的跟踪

    IR Pupil Tracking Based on Optimized Particle Filter

  9. LASIK术中瞳孔中心移位的观察研究

    The observation of shift in pupil center locations during LASIK

  10. A组的瞳孔恢复时间为(58.10±10.60)h,显著短于B组(70.23±10.86)h,P<0.05。

    The recovery time of pupils of Group A was 58.10 ± 10.60 hours , significantly shorter than that of Group B ( 70.23 ± 10.86 , P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 目的对伴心脏、肝脏损害,瞳孔不等,听力障碍,手足血管舒缩功能及皮肤营养障碍和阳痿等少见症状的重症肌无力(MG)患者的特点进行分析,提出诊断和鉴别诊断的方法。

    Objective To propose a method for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of myasthenia gravis ( MG ) with heart and liver injury , anisocoria , dysaudia , impatience etc.

  12. 结论根据颅脑外伤病人的早期瞳孔变化及CT征象能显著提高视神经损伤的早期诊断率。

    Conclusion The early diagnostic rate of the injury of optic nerve can be increased according to the early changes of pupils and the CT signs of the patients with craniocerebral trauma .

  13. 单纯颈总动脉阻断的B组、假手术组在手术过程中始终保持意识清楚,翻正躺和角膜反射存在,瞳孔轻度发白,咬啮活动减弱不明显。

    Group B and sham group kept consciousness , the righting reflex and corneal reflex existed all the time during the operation , the pupil just became pale lightly , the gnawing activity weakened not markedly .

  14. 结论RON患眼的瞳孔对光反射反应潜伏期延长、最大反应幅度减小。

    Conclusions The latency of the pupillary light reflex delayes and the maximum amplitude decreases in patients with retrobulbar neuritis .

  15. 结果小儿弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI)发病率高,昏迷程度深,瞳孔改变、癫痫及生命体征改变大,但病死率低。

    Results The features of DAI were epilepsy , deep coma , pupil change and vital signs change , with low mortality rate .

  16. 6.0mm瞳孔下,同一眼内3~5阶像差的RMS值呈递减趋势。在低度和中度近视患者中,各高阶像差和屈光度无明显相关性;

    The RMS values were decreased from 3rd to 5th order aberrations with pupil diameters of 6.0 mm in the same eye .

  17. 瞳孔开肌(musculus)如无特殊说明,请不要掰开或碾碎药片,也不要打开胶囊。

    Musculus dilatator pupillae Don 't break or crush tablets , or open capsules without following instructions .

  18. 电刺激缰核(Hb)使动脉血压明显升高,同时伴有瞳孔扩大,胡须抖动等交感反应。

    Electrical stimulation of Hb quickly raised the arterial blood pressure , accompanied by other sympathetic reaction , such as mydriasis and pilo erection .

  19. 对虹膜广泛粘连、机化的小瞳孔,术中撕囊、挽核困难病例,分离粘连后瞳孔仍然不能散大,则行瞳孔缘放射状剪开,植入IOL。

    To eyes with smaller pupil and extensive adhesion of iris , after cutting the pupillary edges radically with scissors , IOL was implanted .

  20. 方法:对人工晶状体前膜形成34例根据膜形成程度给予活动瞳孔、皮质类固醇类药物应用及YAG激光治疗。

    Method : 34 cases with IOL membrane formation were dealed with activating the pupil 、 locar or subconjunctival injection of corticosteroid or YAG laser according to the degree of membranes .

  21. 目的探讨根据散瞳后的瞳孔中心调整切削区对波前引导的个体化准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)疗效的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the pupil center shift quantitatively after pupil dilation and to investigate its influence on the outcome of wavefront guided LASIK .

  22. 在预处理算法中,本文充分利用瞳孔的几何特性、眼睛图像的灰度分布以及各种先验知识,对传统的随机Hough变换进行了改进。

    In image pre-processing , the Random Hough transform is improved with the geometry features of pupil , gray distribution of images and many prior knowledge .

  23. 结论急性创伤性颅内血肿的预后与病人年龄、GCS评分、血肿大小及类型、瞳孔改变等相关。

    Conclusion Acute traumatic intracranial hematoma must be have relation with age , GCS scores , size and type of hematoma and pupillary change .

  24. 目的分析儿童白内障摘除术后人工晶状体(IOL)固定性瞳孔夹持的原因,并探讨有效的处理方法。

    Objective To analyze the cause of fixed intraocular lens ( IOLs ) pupillary capture in children and investigate the rational methods to reposit intraocular lens .

  25. 首先,根据虹膜图像的边缘图像用圆检测随机Hough变换方法提取瞳孔的圆心与半径;

    Based on this idea , circle detection random hough transform is used to extract pupil circle center and radii from the edge map of iris image ;

  26. 结果影响预后的因素排列顺序为:昏迷程度、CT表现、瞳孔变化、昏迷时间、脑挫伤程度、年龄大小。

    The sequence of the factor which influence prognosis is : the degree of coma , the manifestation of CT , the changes of pupil , the time of coma , the degree of cerebral contusion and the siz of age .

  27. 方法:回顾性分析354例白内障摘除及人工晶状体植入术,术后发生人工晶状体前膜28例7.9%,经给活动瞳孔、皮质类固醇激素、环磷酰胺及YAG激光治疗。

    Methods : To retrospectively analyze 354 cases of extracting cataract and implantation posterior chamber intraocular lens . Among them , 28 were developed the exudative pupillary membrane ( 7.9 % ) and received corresponding treatment .

  28. 并发症:各组均有并发症的发生,包括IOL脱入前房、瞳孔夹持、虹膜新生血管、前房出血,角膜大泡病变,与手术创伤有关。

    Complications : There were IOLs luxation into anterior chamber , pupil capture , iris neovascularization , hyphema , bullous keratopathy . These complications were associated with operation . 5 .

  29. 半导体激光、氩激光、532nm激光经瞳孔光凝兔眼视网膜的组织学反应比较

    Comparison of Retina Photocoagulation with Diode , Argon , and 532 nm Lasers in Rabbits

  30. 结论:LASIK术后,角膜表面的不规则、角膜中央扁平形切削、偏心切削及瞳孔的大小与切削区的匹配性等是引起功能视力改变的主要原因。

    Conclusion : Corneal microsurface irregularities , Seidel aberrations , decentration , the size of pupil and ablated zone are the predominant factors in the functional vision decrease after LASIK .