
tónɡ kǒnɡ fànɡ dà
  • mydriasis
  1. 他的瞳孔放大到几乎一个馅饼盘那么大了。

    His pupils were dilated to the size of pie plates .

  2. 瞳孔放大是兴趣和吸引的真实指示器。

    Pupil dilation is an honest indicator of interest and attraction .

  3. 瞳孔放大,手心出汗。心率加快。

    Pupils dilate , palms become sweaty and the heart rate increases .

  4. 不因为我摸到了你的脉搏脉搏加快瞳孔放大

    No. Because I took your pulse . Elevated . Your pupils dilated .

  5. 光线非常微弱时,瞳孔放大,让更多的光线进入眼睛。

    The pupil opens wide in very dim light , and lets in much more light .

  6. 虹膜括约肌、瞳孔放大肌能迅速调节瞳孔大小;

    Iris Location The iritis sphincter and pupil enlarging muscle can regulate the size of the pupil quickly .

  7. 他们出现了恐怖的症状:瞳孔放大、心跳加速、幻听幻视、精神错乱、争强好胜,还可能昏迷或者痉挛。

    They would have experienced horrific symptoms , including dilated pupils , racing heartbeat , hallucination , delirium , aggressive behavior and possibly coma or seizures .

  8. 根据悉尼早晨先驱报报道这只八个月大的喜玛拉雅猫在来到了一家兽医诊所时瞳孔放大,心跳迅速,猫主人说它行走有麻烦,易受到惊吓。

    The eight-month-old Himalayan cat arrived at a veterinary clinic with dilated pupils and a racing heart , while the owner said it had trouble walking and was easily startled , the Sydney Morning Herald reported .

  9. 例如,说谎者的瞳孔会放大,并需要更长的时间来阅读和回答问题。不过,这些反应通常很细微,为了确定其真实含义需要建立精密的测量和统计模型。

    These reactions are often minute and require sophisticated measurement and statistical modeling to determine their significance .

  10. 他的瞳孔有没有放大?

    Are his pupils dilated ?

  11. 你得看得到其他人,随着一条条刺激的消息传来传去,看着人们的瞳孔兴奋地放大。

    You need to be able to see the other person and watch their pupils dilating as juicy scraps of news are given and received .

  12. 根据光线进入眼睛的强弱,瞳孔会缩小或放大。

    The pupil can be narrowed or widened according to the amount of light that enters the eye .

  13. 结果表明:在文本阅读中,疲劳会使瞳孔缩小,心理负荷增大会使瞳孔放大,一定的心理负荷可以起到维持瞳孔大小不变的作用;

    The results showed that in text reading , pupil diameter decreased with fatigue , whereas increased with mental load and persisted with sustained mental load ;