
  1. HelloSense就是这样的一款闹钟。它能够监控卧室中的温度、湿度、光线甚至空气质量,帮助你营造一个完美的睡眠环境。

    That it could gauge the temperature , humidity , light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you engineer a perfect sleep environment .

  2. 她们对有关其孩子的睡眠环境的众多问题做出了答复。

    Moms answereddozens of questions about their baby 's sleeping environment .

  3. 保持黑暗的睡眠环境是关键,而非睡眠本身。

    The dark , not actual sleep , is the key .

  4. 使用风扇,对于那些睡眠环境差的婴儿来说,能极大地降低发病率。

    Using a fan reduced risk most for babies in poor sleeping environments .

  5. 功效:遮光、静心、养神、改善睡眠环境。

    Effects : Shading , meditation , meditatively , to improve the sleep environment .

  6. 创建轻松安静的睡眠环境。

    Create a relaxing and quiet sleep environment .

  7. 睡眠环境对你的睡眠质量有很大的影响。

    Your sleeping environment makes a huge difference to the quality of your sleep .

  8. 营造一个良好的睡眠环境。

    Have a good sleeping environment .

  9. 工作忧虑而导致的失眠达到30%,位于睡眠环境过热原因之前。

    Anxiety about work keeps 30 per cent from slumber , just ahead of being too hot .

  10. 在卧室营造一个良好的睡眠环境也可能有助于睡眠。

    Creating the right environment for sleep in your bedroom can also give you a head start .

  11. 黑暗、安静且凉快(温度介于华氏60-68摄氏度)的环境是最佳的睡眠环境。

    The best sleep environment is a dark , quiet and cool ( between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit ) .

  12. 美国儿科学会认为,只有三分之一的照片显示的睡眠环境是安全的。

    Also , only a third of the pictures showed sleep environments considered safe by the American Academy of Pediatrics .

  13. 病史:病史询问重点是儿童的睡眠环境、固定就寝时间、就寝常规和父母期望。

    History : History focuses on the child 's sleeping environment , consistency of bedtime , bedtime routines , and parental expectations .

  14. 为婴儿及其父母、卧床不起的老人、手术后及瘫痪病人提供良好睡眠环境的睡具。

    A sleeping tool to provide the good sleeping environment for the infant , sickbed old , patient after operation and paralysis patient .

  15. 老年人脑生理学的改变、基础疾病引起的不适、睡眠环境差、心理负担重及药物影响等因素是导致老年患者睡眠障碍的主要原因。

    The main cause involved the changes of brain physiology of the aged , basic diseases , sleep environment , mental burden and drug affection .

  16. 治疗轻度的失眠包括改善睡眠环境或运用传统的治疗方法如温水浴,饮用温牛奶或者放松身心。

    Treatment of mild insomnia may involve simple improvement of sleeping conditions or such traditional remedies as warm baths , warm milk , or relaxation .

  17. 良好的睡眠环境&尽可能减少分散注意力的事物,比如噪音、光亮、电视或电脑,或过高的温度。

    Have a good sleeping environment – eliminate as many distractions as possible , such as noise , bright lights , a TV or computer , or excessive heat .

  18. 然而,61%的墨西哥调查者认为音乐有助于创造更加轻松的睡眠环境,同时墨西哥调查者也认为音乐是卧室最浪漫的因素。

    However , 61 % in Mexico agreed that music also created a relaxing sleep environment . Music was also rated highest in Mexico as a bedroom romance element .

  19. 第四,睡眠环境要讲究不能随便找个地方,更不能在草地、水泥地上顺势躺下就睡,或在风口处睡。

    Fourth , sleep environment should not take place , but not in the grass , the cement floor and homeopathic lay down to sleep , or sleep in the air .

  20. 失眠产生的原因第一位为心理因素占52%,第二位为睡眠环境占48%,其次白天睡眠过多占21%和疼痛占12%;

    The primary cause of insomnia was psychological factors , which accounted for52 % , followed by poor sleep environment ( 48 % ) . Excessive daytime sleep and pain accounted for21 % and12 % separately .

  21. 把你的卧室装饰成有助睡眠的环境,调低温度,安装合适的窗帘以遮挡光线,如果还有噪音,就戴上耳塞。

    Turn your bedroom into a sleep inducing chamber , turn the temperature down , install proper curtains which block out the light , and if noise is a problem use earplugs .

  22. 健康知识选择主要以饮食营养、心理健康、卫生保健、疾病防治、体育锻炼、安全防卫、睡眠、环境和性知识为主。

    The knowledge of health mainly introduces the knowledge of diet and nutrition , mental health , hygiene , illness prevents , physical exercise , security and protection , sleep , environment , sexual knowledge , and so on .

  23. 结果:婴儿睡眠姿势、环境与婴儿猝死综合征存在相关性。

    Results : Sudden infant death syndrome is associated with infants'sleep position and environment .

  24. 为孩子营造一个能促进睡眠的卧室环境。

    Construct a bedroom environment that promotes sleep .

  25. 睡眠姿势及环境与婴儿猝死综合征

    On Reasonable Postures of Runners in Short Distance Race Sleep and Sudden Infant Death syndrome

  26. 前言:目的:探讨睡眠姿势及环境与婴儿猝死综合征的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship of sleep and sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ) .

  27. 其中睡眠剥夺组和环境对照组又分为1d、3d和5d3个时点,用改良多平台睡眠剥夺法建立REM睡眠剥夺模型。

    The SD and TC rats were sacrificed at the end of 1 d , 3 d and 5 d sleep deprivation periods , respectively . The modified multiple platform methods were established for the REM sleep deprivation .

  28. 营造适宜睡眠的宁静氛围睡眠环境对你的睡眠质量有很大的影响。尽一切所能,为自己营造一个安静和舒适的环境。

    A Peaceful Place for Sleep Your sleeping environment makes a huge difference to the quality of your sleep . Do everything you can to create a quiet and cozy atmosphere .

  29. 影响睡眠质量的因素包括睡眠环境差、寝具不适、焦虑、抑郁、学习紧张和锻炼少;

    The contributing factors toward poor sleep quality were bad sleep environment , discomfort of the bedclothes , anxiety , depression , great pressure from study , and taking little exercise .

  30. 影响儿童睡眠障碍的主要危险因素包括:性别、年龄、睡眠环境、鼻炎史、父亲吸烟史、父亲学历、父亲打鼾史和母亲打鼾史等八个影响因素。

    The main risk factors that affected the sleep disorders were gender , age , sleeping environment , history of rhinitis , smoking history of father , educational background of father and snoring history of parents .