
dùn pái
  • shield;excuse;pretext;(tig)pretext
盾牌 [dùn pái]
  • [shield;(tig)pretext;excuse] 戴在手臂上或用柄握在手中的一块宽的护甲(如用金属、木头或皮革做的),过去一般在战场上或单人格斗中用以护身(如防矛、箭或剑刺)。比喻推托的借口

盾牌[dùn pái]
  1. 持枪歹徒用人质作人体盾牌。

    The gunman used the hostages as a human shield .

  2. 人质被当成了人体盾牌。

    The hostages were used as a human shield .

  3. 手持盾牌的防暴警察堵住了示威者的路。

    Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators ' way .

  4. 在罗杰斯之后谁有权举起盾牌、成为美国队长是该系列电影的核心问题。

    The question of who is entitled to carry the shield or be Captain America after Rogers was a central theme of the Disney + series .

  5. 他们似乎忘记了WTO经常更多地被用作保护贸易主义的武器,而不是用作开放市场的盾牌。

    They seem to forget that the WTO is often used more as a weapon for protectionism than as a shield for open markets .

  6. 该ECT的法令规定,一个盾牌互联网服务供应商发生这种情况的法律责任。

    The ECT Act has a provision that shields ISPs from liability in cases like this .

  7. 我刚看到Valiant盾牌上的一只蛇活了。

    I have just seen one of the snakes in Valiant 's shield come alive .

  8. 人物的基础AC是指除去敏捷加值,盾牌,以及魔法修正值不算的并没有覆盖他或她全身的盔甲,也不能依靠误导术。

    The person 's base AC is his armor without Dexterity bonuses , shields , or magical adjustments that don 't actually cover his or her whole body or rely on misdirection .

  9. 随后,约1000名亲俄武装分子沿着该市一个主要街道行进,挥舞着木棒和盾牌,旁观者则四散奔逃,这一幕就像是电影《纽约黑帮》(GangsofNewYork)的场景再现。

    Afterwards about 1,000 of the pro-Russia militants marched along a main street , banging sticks and shields as bystanders fled down side streets , in a scene reminiscent of the film Gangs of New York .

  10. 如果和Valiant决斗,他会那面盾牌,与你抗衡他只能以此取胜。

    If you fight Valiant in the final , he 'll use the shield , that 's the only way he can beat you .

  11. 这位“斯蒂芬·科尔伯特”(依然拿着长剑和盾牌)随后回到了埃德·沙利文剧场,表演了新版的“说文解字”(TheWord)。这是2005到2014年播出的《科尔伯特报告》中反复出现的一个环节。

    And then " Stephen Colbert " ( still holding the sword and shield ) returned to the Ed Sullivan Theater and performed a new edition of " The Word , " a recurring segment from " The Colbert Report , " which ran from 2005 to 2014 .

  12. 虽然这些可能只是巧合,但是好莱坞资深公关员霍华德·布拉格曼(HowardBragman)说,相对平静的夏季是一个有用的盾牌,明星可以借此躲开最糟糕的媒体报道。

    While all these flameouts were presumably a coincidence , Howard Bragman , a veteran Hollywood publicist , said the relative quiet of summer can serve as a useful shield of sorts for stars looking to duck the worst of the press coverage .

  13. 当Mike得知他的老妈(CCHPounder,盾牌)希望他回到老家休斯顿,他马上就知道自己就要见到一成不变的老家人了。

    When Mike gets a phone call from his MOM ( CCH Pounder ," The Shield ") who orders him home to Houston , he quickly realizes the more his life has changed , the more his family has stayed the same .

  14. 新闻网站NovostiDonbassa发表的一张照片中,袭击者捡起警方的盾牌自己使用,而一位警察则转身背对着他。

    Novosti Donbassa , a news website , published a photograph of the attackers picking up police shields for their own use , as a policeman turned his back .

  15. 古代的战士们通常用长矛和盾牌战斗。

    Soldiers in ancient time usually fight with pikes and shields .

  16. 骑士拿着绘着十字的盾牌。

    The knight carried a shield with a cross painted thereupon .

  17. 一定是盾牌上的蛇咬伤了他。

    It must be one of the snakes in the shield .

  18. 我不接受绿色盾牌邮票作为支付方式

    but I can 't accept S & H green stamps .

  19. 同样地,阿耳特弥斯(月神与狩猎女神)也通过把擦亮的盾牌借给他来帮助他。

    Artemis helped him as well by lending him her polished shield .

  20. 训练师现在教授增加新的韧性的盾牌附魔。

    Added a new enchant shield recipe to trainers that increases resilience .

  21. 拜占庭剑士装备链甲、长剑和盾牌,作战颇为出色。

    Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword , shield and mail armour .

  22. 我是你的盾牌,必大大的赏赐你。

    I am your shield , your very great reward .

  23. 凡投靠他的,他便作他们的盾牌。

    He is a shield for all who take refuge in him .

  24. 那些盾牌兵也不用如此凶狠。

    The soldiers didn 't have to be that aggressive .

  25. 重装长矛民兵为精锐民兵部队,装备长矛和盾牌。

    Capable militia troops , armoured and equipped with spear and shield .

  26. 我们就拿这些人做人肉盾牌了。

    We 're going to start using those people as body shields .

  27. 在又一个火焰中他失去了他的盾牌。

    At another blaze of fire he loses his shield .

  28. 告诉我那个金色盾牌的特别之处。

    Tell me what 's special about the gold shield .

  29. 砸在警察防暴盾牌上的砖块和瓶子不断弹回来。

    The constant ricochet of bricks and bottles off police riot shields .

  30. 给你的一个盾牌和一根矛。

    For you , I brought back a shield and a spear .