
zhí jiē chénɡ běn
  • direct cost
  1. 目的探讨某化工区职业伤害直接成本(directcost,DC)大小及分布规律。方法应用经济学和流行病学方法对某化工区1993~2002年间职业伤害DC进行分析。

    Objective To analyze the characteristics of total and average direct cost distributions of occupational injury in a new chemical industrial zone from 1993 to 2002.Methods Occupational injury was retrospectively investigated by epidemiological and economical methods .

  2. 除了可以计量的可用性、利用率和可管理性方面的提高外,WebSphereCloudBurst在被采用的第一年就提供了明显的直接成本节约。

    Aside from measurably improving availability , utilization , and manageability , WebSphere CloudBurst provided substantial direct cost savings over the first year of adoption alone .

  3. 其中,直接成本计算相关的原材料的用量和标准单价、人工工时以及间接成本的资源动因均来源于BOM视图。

    Direct costs related factors , such as materials consumptions , standard price , artificial man-hour and indirect cost drivers are all derived from the BOM view .

  4. 北海业务存亡问题的核心是,在目前油价水平上开采作业的直接成本,荷兰皇家壳牌公司(RoyalDutchShell)的首席财务官西蒙·亨利(SimonHenry)近期在讨论公司的季度业绩时表示。

    The issue in the North Sea is existential around the cash cost of operation at the current level of oil prices , Simon Henry , Royal Dutch Shell 's chief financial officer , said recently while discussing the company 's quarterly results .

  5. 治疗成本分为直接成本和间接成本。

    Analyzed costs were divided into direct cost and indirect cost .

  6. 这里的直接成本,就是物料的采购价格。

    Direct costs here , is the material of the purchase price .

  7. 论检验直接成本和间接成本的平衡及平衡点的经济意义

    On Balance and Balance Point of Inspecting Direct Cost and Indirect Cost

  8. 中职学生教育个人成本中的直接成本以问卷调查的方式获得。

    Individual direct costs are got by the survey way .

  9. 这种成本会比直接成本高的多。

    Such costs may be much higher than direct costs .

  10. 工程变更价格的直接成本计算

    Calculation of direct cost of variation value of projects

  11. 护理人员直接成本投入与产出分析

    The Analysis of the Direct Input and Output of Nursing Care Resource Cost

  12. 耳穴贴压与一般通便疗法的护理直接成本的比较

    Comparative Study of Direct Nursing Cost between Auricular-plaster Method and Routine Cathartic Therapy

  13. 按性质,成本可以分为直接成本和间接成本。

    By type costs can be classified into direct costs and indirect costs .

  14. 上海市某医院医疗器械物流直接成本分析

    Analysis on direct logistics cost of medical devices in one hospital in Shanghai

  15. 阿富汗和伊拉克行动的直接成本是最容易计算的。

    The direct costs of the Afghan and Iraq operations are the easier part .

  16. 某工业开发区作业工人皮肤病直接成本回顾性分析

    Retrospect analysis on direct cost of dermatosis of the workers in a industrial zone

  17. 与债权融资相比,配股的直接成本较低。

    Compared with debt financing , the direct cost of RS is relatively low .

  18. 净投资收入投资收益减投资直接成本。

    Net investment income the profit resulting from an investment minus any direct expenses .

  19. 直接成本包括参与者的时间和材料。

    Direct costs include participants'time and materials .

  20. 上海、浙江、湖北、陕西三省一市静脉输液直接成本分析

    Analysis on direct-cost of intravenous infusion in Shanghai , Zhejiang , Hubei and Shanxi province

  21. 再具体分析了企业进行慈善捐赠的直接成本和间接成本。

    Then a detailed analysis of enterprises for charitable donations direct costs and indirect costs .

  22. 应采用作业成本法进行直接成本和间接成本的分配。

    Doing Homework Activity-based costing can be used in distribution of direct costs and overhead costs .

  23. 教育的直接成本与间接成本

    The Direct and Indirect Education Cost

  24. 然而,无用数据产生的这些直接成本,通常都不及它所产生的间接成本。

    But these direct costs of unwanted data are often small relative to the indirect costs .

  25. 每年因医院感染使财政损失估计约为7亿美元,且仅包括直接成本。

    Annual financial losses are estimated at approximately € 7 billion , including direct costs only .

  26. 也就是说,库存成本占产品总成本的32%&36%,远远大于生产直接成本。

    In the other words , inventory cost is 32-36 % of the whole product ones .

  27. 政府成本应包括直接成本、机会成本和社会成本。

    The government cost should include the direct cost , the opportunity cost and the social cost .

  28. 成本效果分析中的成本可分为直接成本与生产力成本。

    Costs in cost-effectiveness analysis ( CEA ) have been divided into direct costs and productivity costs .

  29. 诉讼成本包括直接成本、犯错成本、管理成本、伦理成本和机会成本等。

    It includes direct cost , penalty , managerial cost , ethic cost and cost of chance .

  30. 直接成本计算:根据在生产和服务中发生的成本费用确定成本的过程。

    Direct costing : The process of assigning costs as they are incurred to products and services .