
  • 网络direct printing;Direct to print
  1. 本文阐述了杨木单板视觉改性的研究,包括杨木单板的染色处理,染色后单板的干燥和板面直接印刷珍贵木纹,增强其外观视觉效果。

    This paper described the study on poplar veneer vision modification , including veneer dyeing , drying and direct printing on surface of panel to improve the vision .

  2. 本文对胶印直接印刷瓦楞纸板进行了介绍。

    This article introduces printing thick board and corrugated directly .

  3. 最近的调查表明,印在热塑封套上或者直接印刷在外壳表面的标签要好过印在钢壳上。

    A closer inspection reveals that the label is lithographed on a heat shrinkable polymer or directly onto the exterior can wall rather than lithographed on a steel label .

  4. 环保型镭射转移纸:一般用于制作各种商标、环保型内外软硬包装,表面已保护可以直接印刷。

    Environmental laser ambulant paper : Commonly used to make up all kinds of brand , environmental inner & outer soft-hard package . Furthermore , directly print if surface is ok ;

  5. 最后在成品胶合板上印刷柚木、山毛榉、红木、黑胡桃四种木材花纹,增加产品的附加值,并对直接印刷的生产成本和利润进行分析。

    Finally , directly print Teak , Beech , Rosewood or Black Walnut grain on the surface of the plywood to add the value of the product , and analyse the production cost and profit .

  6. 目前我国已普遍采用DTP,印前质量的好坏直接影响印刷图像的质量,影响印前技术质量的因素很多。

    At present , DTP has been commonly used in our country . The quality of prepress effects directly the quality of printing image .

  7. 这是比较简单的传统直接丝网印刷。

    This is simpler compared to the traditional direct screen printing .

  8. 其结果是不透明和图像质量都优于什么直接胶版印刷可以生产。

    The result is an opacity and image quality that 's superior to what direct offset printing can produce .

  9. 专色印刷系统中,色彩管理技术使用是否得当,将直接影响印刷效果。

    In the system of spot-color printing , spot color management technology has a direct impact on the effectiveness of printing .

  10. 如何确定印刷品的价格将直接影响印刷企业的生产效益,也直接制约着印刷企业的发展。

    How to confirm price of printing product will directly affect the production performance of printing enterprises and affect the development of enterprises as well .

  11. 递纸机构作为单张纸印刷机的关键部件之一。其运动学和动力学特性的优劣直接影响印刷机性能、印刷速度和印刷品的质量。

    As one of the key parts in the sheet-feed press , the kinematics and dynamics properties of sheet transfer mechanism directly influence the quality of press product , the capability of press and the press speed .

  12. 透射电子X射线照相术直接电子照像印刷机

    Transmission electron radiography direct electrophotography printer

  13. 水性凹版油墨是当今最为环保的印刷油墨之一,也是目前唯一被美国FDA推荐和认可的,可以用于与食品直接接触的印刷油墨。

    Water-borne ink is the most environmentally printing ink at present in food packaging industries , which is one and only type ink that has been recommended and approved by FDA . This type of ink can be used for food packaging and directly contacted with food .

  14. 电影[照相机]的爱好者直接电子照像印刷机

    A film [ camera ] freak direct electrophotography printer

  15. 输纸装置是印刷机的关键部件,直接影响着印刷机的工作效率。

    Paper-transferring device that directly influences the work efficiency of press is the crucial part of press .

  16. 在凹版印刷机印刷的生产过程当中,张力的控制好坏程度直接决定着印刷产品的质量好坏。

    In the production process of printing , the tension control directly determine the quality of the printing products .

  17. 利用平面图像处理软件输出图形或者将图形文件直接输入到印刷机进行印刷;

    Use plate picture processing software to export figures or input the graphics file directly to printing machine to print ;

  18. 递纸机构的结构设计、制造精度、运动和动力学特性将直接关系到印刷机的印刷速度和套印精度。

    The mechanism design , manufacture precision and dynamical characteristic of paper delivery system directly affect the printing speed and precision .

  19. 市场越来越需要高精细、高品质的印品,而网点技术直接影响着印刷质量。

    The market needs currently high-accuracy , high-quality press products than before . however , dot technology influences directly the print quality .

  20. 输墨系统的优劣直接影响到印刷机速度和印刷品质量,对现代输墨系统设计方法的分析和研究将有助于印刷机输墨系统的设计和改进。

    The performances of an inking device on an offset printing press directly affect the print quality and the printing speed of a press .

  21. 直接电子照像印刷机间接印刷:印版并不直接与纸张接触的印刷方法。例如柯式印刷、移印等。

    Indirect printing : Process where the printing surface is not in direct contact with the paper , e.g. offset printing , pad printing , etc.

  22. 微接触印刷油墨转移过程中弹性印章的形变问题和材料表面自由能直接影响到印刷线条的清晰度、连贯性和均匀性。

    Deformation of elastic stamp and surface free energy of materials directly affects the clarity , consistency and uniformity of the printed lines in Micro-contact printing ink transfer process .

  23. 印刷机开闭牙机构作为印刷机关键的机构之一,其机械性能的好坏直接影响到印刷品的套印精度和印刷速度。

    Open-closed gripper mechanism as a key part of the printing press , its mechanical performance have a direct impact on the printing registration accuracy and the speed of the press .

  24. 套准控制系统是包装印刷机的核心组成部分,它控制着对各个着色点的准确定位,直接影响着印刷的质量。

    Automatic register system is the core of the packaging components , which controls the coloring of each point the exact location , a direct impact on the quality of printing .

  25. 滚筒离合压机构在印刷机中有着举足轻重的作用,该机构的好坏直接关系到印刷机的工作性能和印品质量。

    The on-off mechanism has an important function to the printing machine , the quality of which concerns the working performance of the printing machine and the quality of printed products directly .

  26. 开闭牙机构作为单张纸胶印机纸张传递中的重要部件,它的工作性能好坏直接影响到印刷的速度和印品的套印精度。

    Open-close gripper mechanism as a important parts of the process of paper transfer in offset press , its work performance have a direct impact on the speed of printing and registration accuracy in printed materials .

  27. 真空带输纸装置是印刷机输纸部件的重要组成部分,主要作用是将分纸头分离出来的纸张输送到定位部件,其工作性能直接影响到印刷机的输纸性能和印品质量。

    Vacuum belt paper-conveying device is a significant portion of printing press with the main function of transporting the separated paper to positioning device . Its performance directly affects the feature of paper conveying and the quality of printed products .

  28. 激光照排机是一种光机电相结合的产品,是计算机&激光编辑排版系统中的关键输出设备,由它输出的胶片的质量直接影响着印刷质量的好坏。

    Laser typesetter is an optical , mechanical and electrical product . It is a key output equipment for computer-laser edit and lay out system . The printing quality is directly depended on the film quality outputted by the laser typesetter .

  29. 它的性能直接影响油墨在印刷品上的色彩呈现,并进一步影响印刷品的质量。

    Its performance directly affects the color of ink printed on the show , and further affect the print quality .

  30. 涂料中胶粘剂的用量直接影响纸张的印刷表面强度、白度、不透明度、光泽度和吸收性。

    The surface strength , brightness , opacity , glossiness , and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating .