
  1. 从油田开发的基本规律和目前开发经济效益状况出发,运用油藏工程和经济学基本原理,建立了新井经济极限初产油量、老井经济极限含水率和经济极限产油量的计算模型。

    Based on basic law and current economics of oilfield development , a model calculating economic initial oil production from new wells , economically limited water cut and oil production from old wells is built using the basic principles of reservoir engineering and economics .

  2. 电解生产铝的工艺过程耗电量大,如何减低电耗是目前铝厂提高经济效益的关键。

    Since power consumption is greatly high during the Aluminum electrolysis process , power consumption reduction helps to improve economic efficiency of aluminum plant .