
  • 网络brine bath;salt bath
  1. 盐水浴是调节兰寿健康状态的有效方法,如果在发病初期,即使不使用药物也能够治愈疾病。

    Brine bath is an effective method to regulate the Ranchu health status , in the early period ; even without the use of drugs it can cure diseases .

  2. 可当鱼得病时,其调节能力下降,体液中的矿物质平衡失调,这时就需要进行盐水浴。

    However when the fish got sick , the decline of its ability of regulating and fluid imbalance in the minerals , then salt water bath is needed .

  3. “苹果”和“苹果汁”再也不用担心洗“盐水浴”了。两只火鸡将在美国首任总统乔治华盛顿位于维吉尼亚州的故居弗农山庄度过余生。

    Apple and Cider will not have to worry about a brine bath.The two turkeys will spend the rest of their days on the grounds of Mount Vernon , the Virginia estate of the first U.S. president , George Washington .

  4. 生理盐水滴浴0.5小时,角膜上皮微绒毛减少并皱缩成圆钮状;

    Having bathed for 0.5 hour with saline , the microvilli had a reduced number and shrank into knobs .