
pí tǐng
  • kayak
皮艇[pí tǐng]
  1. 男子皮艇运动员周期训练时Hb、CK、BUN的变化特点

    Variation Characteristics of Hb , CK and BUN of Male Kayak Canoeists during the Cyclical Training

  2. 中外女子四人皮艇500m比赛桨频模式的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on the Stroke Rate Modes During the Full Performance of Chinese and Foreign Women Kayak Four in 500 m Competitions

  3. 第二天早晨,我早早起来,到里约伊斯提姆河(RíoIstiam)上划皮艇,这条河从沙漏状的岛屿中部贯穿而过,进入内陆。

    The next morning , I set off early to kayakon R í o Istiam , a river and swamp that cuts inland through the middle of thehourglass-shaped island .

  4. 国内外女子皮艇500m比赛战术应用的比较研究

    Comparative research on tactics applied in women 's 500m canoeing at home and abroad

  5. 优秀男子皮艇运动员参赛1000m项目战术的研究

    A Study on the Tactics for Elite Canoeing Athletes to Compete in 1 000m

  6. 运用两台高速摄像机,对2005年全国皮划艇春季冠军赛中参加单人皮艇500m决赛的36名优秀男、女运动员的启航加速阶段进行跟踪扫描录像分析。

    Through using two high speed digital videos , this paper makes scanning video analysis on 36 male and female elite kayakers in acceleration phase in the 500m final in 2005 National Championship for Kayak .

  7. 虽然Glasheen有时候只能与狗为伴,但是还是时不时的有一些过往的游船、皮艇和农夫经过。

    Few visitors : Glasheen says sometimes he gets lonely with his dog his only companion but he is occasionally visited by passing yachtsmen , kayakers and organic farmers .

  8. 浙江省男子皮艇运动员无氧运动能力各项指标与运动成绩的相关性研究

    The Correlation between Male Kayak Canoeist 's Performance and Anaerobic Capacity Indices

  9. 皮艇训练中的两个生理学问题及训练的生理学原则

    Two Physiological Topics and Four Physiological Principles in Kayak Training

  10. 皮艇运动员肩袖运动损伤的预防与康复对策

    Prevention and rehabilitation of rotator cuff injury of kayak athletes

  11. 皮艇和划艇该怎么区分呢?

    How can I tell a canoe from a kayak ?

  12. 上肢划桨技术在无宽度限制皮艇运动中的作用

    The Upper limbs Oarsmanship Effect for the Unlimited width Kayak

  13. 青少年皮艇运动员技术教学法的研究

    Research on the Pedagogy of Young Athletes ' Kayak Skill

  14. 如果您计划建立这一皮艇考虑建立一个模型。

    If you plan to build this kayak consider building a model .

  15. GB/T13412-1992赛艇、皮艇、划艇及其附件技术条件

    " Specification of rowing , kayak , canoe and theirs accessories "

  16. 这是我的皮艇,这些是我皮肤上的的老茧。

    This is my Kayak and these are my calluses .

  17. 他看到倾覆的皮艇飘在离岸很远的水面上。

    Who spotted the capsized kayak floating far offshore .

  18. 对中外优秀女子单人皮艇运动员桨频及划桨节奏的分析

    Paddle stroke frequency and rhythm of Chinese and foreign elite single woman kayakers

  19. 皮艇避开了河中的礁石。

    The kayakers avoided the rocks in the river .

  20. 划艇是敞开的,而皮艇是封闭的。

    Canoes are open while kayaks are closed .

  21. 中国女子皮艇队高原训练的实验研究

    An Experimental Research or the Training at Altitude of Chinese Women 's Canoeing Team

  22. 周期训练中不同水平男子皮艇运动员血浆内皮素的变化

    Changes in plasma endothelin of different levels of male kayak athletes during period training

  23. 男子皮艇比赛战术方案探讨

    Study of competition tactics in man 's kayaking

  24. 冷水不要紧,我皮艇所有冬季在美国。

    The cold water does not matter , I kayak all winter in America .

  25. 成本每船数量为50皮艇。

    Cost per boat for qty of50 kayaks .

  26. 对武汉体育学院女子皮艇队现状的分析

    Analysis of present condition of Women Canoeing Team

  27. 这是唯一一种出现在奥运会上的皮艇漂流运动。

    This is the only kind of whitewater kayaking featured in the Olympic Games .

  28. 进入皮艇队,意味着杨雅莉所受的正规教育从此结束。

    Going to the kayak team meant the end of Yang Yali 's formal education .

  29. 本研究就皮艇运动员肩袖损伤机理、预防及康复进行研究和探讨。

    This paper discussed the mechanism , prevention and rehabilitation of kayak athletes'rotator cuff injury .

  30. 男子皮艇运动员不同训练阶段血红蛋白对血尿素氮变化规律的影响

    Effect of Hemoglobin on Variation of BUN for Male Kayak Canoeists in Different Training Stages