
pí fū bìng
  • skin disease;dermatosis;tetter;dermatopathya
皮肤病 [pí fū bìng]
  • [dermatosis;skin disease] 皮肤以及毛发、指甲等的疾病。引起皮肤病的原因很多,如日光照射、沥青、酸、碱刺激,霉菌、细菌等感染及内分泌障碍、变态反应等

皮肤病[pí fū bìng]
  1. 他患有无法根治的皮肤病。

    He is suffering from an incurable skin disease .

  2. 这种皮肤病一两天之内就会好的。

    This skin disease will clear up in a day or two .

  3. 湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,通常具遗传性。

    Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families .

  4. 我患有一种皮肤病,破坏了我的天然肤色。

    I have a skin disorder , it destroys the pigmentation in my skin .

  5. 中国医学科学院皮肤病研究所常务副所长孙建方

    Sun Jianfang , managing deputy director of Institute of Dermatology , Chinese Academy of Medical sciences .

  6. 家庭主妇手,是一种手部皮肤病,主要表现为皮肤粗糙、红肿、痛痒,有的甚至会出现脱皮和开裂。

    Housewife 's Hand Dermatitis is a hand skin disease with the symptom of rough , red , swollen while doing housework .

  7. 在马德里举行的欧洲皮肤病与性病学会年会上发表的这项新研究发现,污染空气中的颗粒物会影响头发生长,引起脱发。

    New research presented at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ( EADV ) Congress in Madrid found particulate2 matter ( PM ) – that is present in polluted air – could impact both hair growth and retention3 .

  8. 神经生长因子和P物质与皮肤病

    Nerve growth factor and substance P in skin diseases

  9. CO2激光治疗有碍美容皮肤病1188例分析

    Analysis of 1188 cases dermatosis of disadvantage aesthetics treated by CO_2 laser

  10. CO2激光治疗30种1171例皮肤病

    1117 Cases of Dermatoses treated by CO_2 laser

  11. Q开关紫翠宝石激光治疗4656例色素性皮肤病临床分析

    Clinical Efficacy of Q-Switched Alexandrite Laser for Pigmentary Skin Diseases in 4656 Patients

  12. Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗色素性皮肤病5000例疗效观察

    Clinical survey of the pigmented dermatosis treated by Q-switched Nd : YAG laser

  13. 过敏性皮肤病与食物不耐受血清特异性IgG的相关性分析

    Correlativity analysis of allergic dermatosis and serum food specific IgG

  14. 急性发热性嗜中性皮肤病(Sweet综合征)伴结节性红斑和前巩膜炎1例报道

    Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis ( Sweet 's syndrome ) with erythema nodosum and anterior scleritis . A case report

  15. 调Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗375例色素增加性皮肤病的护理探讨

    Nursing Exploration of Q Switched Nd : YAG Laser Treating 375 Cases of Patients with Hyperpigmented Skin Diseases

  16. 同种异体骨髓移植后呈免疫抑制状态的患者患线性IgA皮肤病

    Linear IgA dermatosis in an immunosuppressed patient after allogenic bone marrow transplantation

  17. Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗色素增加及血管增生等皮肤病的疗效分析

    The Analysis of Therapeutic Effect of Q-switched Nd : YAG Laser for Treatment of Cutaneous Pigmented and Vascular Lesions

  18. 目的:为了评价结缔组织性皮肤病患者血清中免疫球蛋白游离K、λ轻链水平测定的临床意义。

    Objective : To evaluate clinical significance of the levels of K 、λ light chain in serum of patients with connective tissue dermatitis .

  19. CD4、CD8和γ受体在色素性紫癜性皮肤病T细胞中的表达

    Expression of CD4 , CD8 and Receptor γ of T Cell in Pigmented Purpuric Dermatoses

  20. 试验结果表明,中药治疗犬真菌性皮肤病优于西药组,P0.01。

    Test results showed Chinese medicine treatment of skin diseases than Western medicine fungal dog , P0.01 .

  21. 变态反应性皮肤病患者血清过敏原及IgE检测分析

    Analysis of Serum Specific IgE and Total IgE of Patients with Allergic Dermatosis

  22. 过敏性皮肤病患者血清吸入性过敏原特异性IgE研究

    Study on serum aeroallergen-specif ic IgE in allergic diseases

  23. 手背部嗜中性皮肤病与Sweet综合征的关系:9例病例报道及与非典型坏疽性脓皮病的比较

    The relationship between neutrophilic dermatosis of the dorsal hands and Sweet syndrome : Report of 9 cases and comparison to atypical pyoderma gangrenosum

  24. 银屑病(Psoriasis)是一种以表皮过度增生和真皮慢性炎症反应为特征的常见皮肤病。

    Psoriasis is a common skin disease characterized by over hyperplasia of epidermis and chronic inflammatory reaction of corium .

  25. 三种变应性皮肤病162例血清总IgE和过敏原特异性IgE检测分析

    Study on Total Serum IgE Level and Allergens Specific IgE in 162 Patients with Three Allergic Skin Disorders

  26. 慢性荨麻疹(CU)是一类常见的皮肤病,表现为反复出现的红斑、风团伴瘙痒(可合并血管性水肿),持续至少六周以上。

    Chronic urticaria is a common skin disease , manifested by recurrent erythema , wheal with itching ( may be combined with angioedema ), sustained at least six weeks .

  27. 方法采用荧光酶标法(MAST法)检测了987例变态反应性皮肤病患者的过敏原血清特异性IgE(sIgE)和总IgE水平。

    Methods 987 patients with common allergic dermatosis were detected the sIgE and total serum IgE level by MAST CLA-1 test system .

  28. 应用Dot-ELISA检测过敏性皮肤病患者过敏原的研究

    Study on detection of the sensitive dermatosis patient specific IgG to various allergens with Dot-ELISA

  29. 研究背景先天性厚甲症(PachyonychiacongenitaPC)是一种少见的常染色体显性遗传性皮肽病,为外胚叶发育不良性皮肤病。

    Background Pachyonychia congenita ( PC ) is an autosomal dominant disorder that usually develops in early infancy .

  30. 随着每天日照时间的延长以及阳光强度的增加,我们有必要对夏季的肌肤安全引起重视,为此我们采访了Alberta大学的皮肤病教授Dr。

    As the number of hours of sunshine per day increase , and the sun 's intensity reaches its peak in the lead up to summer , we asked Dr.