- Pikachu;Pokemon;Pokemon Pikachu

Legendary and The Pokemon Co. on Wednesday announced that they will launch the first Pokemon live-action film franchise2 based on Detective Pikachu , a new character in the Pokemon universe .
Pokemon Go requires users to try to catch on-screen characters like Pikachu using their real-world locations .
A viral video uploaded to Facebook of a dog dyed the colour of the popular Pokemon character , Pikachu .
Many users on Twitter shared what purports to be an image of a dead Pikachu amid rubble in Gaza .
Leonardo DiCaprio is called " Pikachu " in Taiwan .
The pup also has dark stripes , in the style of Pikachu , as well as little red cheeks .
You might be surprised to know that this cute furry little animal was the inspiration for the famous Japanese cartoon ," pikachu " .
Like many people , when the Pok é mon General Election was first announced , I just sort of assumed Pikachu was going to walk away with it .
A big part of the game is to try to catch them all and collect every type of Pokemon in the game including the iconic ' Pikachu ' character .
Let 's hope the results aren 't quite as mind-bogglingly weird as Pok é mon Detective Pikachu , the last Hollywood film to be based on a Japanese game .
There 's no word as to whether Pikachu has called his rival to congratulate him , or is instead meeting with fellow electric-types Dedenne and Raichu to plot a coup .
Other results were ' sexy Pikachu ' , ' text me pictures of Chewbacca ' and someone in Russia who is worried about what 's eating wild and domestic raccoons .
A big part of the game is to try to " catch them all " and collect every type of Pokemon in the game including the iconic ' Pikachu " character .
Because foreign animated cartoon the influx of Chinese market , Europe and the United States , Japan and South Korea Animation flooded , Duo the A dream , Hello Kitty , Pikachu as the representative of the foreign animation role modelling to affect generation after generation of Chinese .