
bǎi nà yī
  • monk's ragged robe, made of patches;monk's ragged robe;ragged dress made of patches
百衲衣 [bǎi nà yī]
  • (1) [monk's ragged robe]∶指和尚穿的用许多小布片拼制成的袈裟

  • (2) [ragged dress made of patches]∶泛指补丁很多的衣服

百衲衣[bǎi nà yī]
  1. 所以说,在我写的几乎所有文章里,我所创造出的是这样一种东西&它很像我最初学习女红时所缝制的一件色彩斑斓的百衲衣。

    Consequently , in nearly all that I write , I produce something which very much resembles the crazy patchwork I used to make when I first learned to sew .

  2. 这件百衲衣由各种各样的碎布头制成,虽然不乏精美的丝绸和天鹅绒,可是这些拼凑的碎片始终不能令人满意。

    This patchwork was made of all sorts of odds and ends - pretty bits of silk and velvet ; but the coarse pieces that were not pleasant to touch always predominated .