
  • 网络broadway;Broadway Avenue
  1. 当时我正在…40街和百老汇大道。

    So there I was , on ... 40th and Broadway .

  2. 参考译文:他们沿着一条原住民的小道撤退,这条小道便是日后的百老汇大道。

    TEXT : They retreat along an ancient Native American path that will later be known as Broadway .

  3. 黄康春(音译)住在第97街区,据警方称他当时在96街区附近的百老汇大道试图闯红灯。

    Kang Chun Wong , who lives on 97th Street , was allegedly attempting to cross Broadway near 96th Street against the light , the official said .

  4. 军的六倍。保持阵型。华盛顿眼睁睁地看着自己军队溃散。保持阵型,战士们。他们沿着一条原住民的小道撤退,这条小道便是日后的百老汇大道。

    Washington watches his army collapse . Hold the line , men ! They retreat along an ancient Native American path that will later be known as Broadway .

  5. 周日早上,有一位26岁的女人在横穿96街区百老汇和西区大道之间的马路时,被两辆汽车撞死。

    A 26-year-old woman was fatally struck by two vehicles early Sunday morning while crossing in the middle of 96th Street , between Broadway and West End Avenue .

  6. 在百老汇和第七大道的交叉口,一场内衣秀正在上演。

    A fashion show at the merge of Broadway and Seventh Avenue showcased the newest trends in intimate apparel .