
  1. 杰奎琳?肯尼迪曾封奥莱格?卡西尼为其御用设计师,约翰逊夫人曾于1968年在白宫国宴大厅举办时尚走秀;

    Lady Bird Johnson in 1968 hosted a formal fashion show that involved models parading through the State Dining Room as the wives of visiting governors looked on .

  2. 总统今晚在白宫国宴厅发表了讲话,他表示伊拉克局势造成更多的伊拉克人民死亡,其中包括被围困在山区的库尔德人。美国政府需要介入以防止潜在的种族灭绝行为。

    The President entered an address from the White House State Dining Room tonight , saying that as the situation continues to go increasingly dire for Iraqis , including a group of Kurds trapped on a mountain there , the administration needed to intervene to combat what he called a potential active genocide .

  3. 朗朗说他在白宫的国宴选择我的祖国是因为它曲调优美。

    Lang Lang said he chose'My Motherland'for a White House dinner because of its beauty .

  4. 严格意义上说他不是中国的国家元首(他从来没有拥有过那个头衔),但是吉米•卡特(JimmyCarter)总统在白宫举办了国宴欢迎他的到访。

    He was not technically China 's head of state ( he never held that title ) , but President Jimmy Carter welcomed him to the White House with a state dinner .

  5. 双方紧张关系在其他地方表现得更为明显:美国国会的四名领导人中,有三人拒绝出席周三晚在白宫举行的国宴。

    Tensions were more evident elsewhere , with three of four congressional leaders declining to attend the state dinner at the White House on Wednesday evening .