
  • 网络The Moscow News;the moscow times
  1. 多年来,她担任由她创办的莫斯科新闻报主编。

    For many years she was editor-in-chief of the Moscow News , which she founded .

  2. Eg.Formanyyearsshewaseditor-in-chiefoftheMoscowNews,whichshefounded.多年来,她担任由她创办的莫斯科新闻报主编。她的经纪人罗宾·韦德把书稿推荐给布卢姆斯伯里出版社的主编亚历山大·普林格,他也是英国小说家堂娜·塔特的编辑。

    Eg. Former editor-in-chief of Denver Quarterly , he now serves as poetry editor of Colorado Review .

  3. 很明显,对于周二在莫斯科举行的新闻发布会来说,这无疑造成了很大的影响。

    And this clearly had a major impact holding a packed news conference in Moscow on Tuesday .

  4. 中央选举委员会主席丘罗夫星期一早上在莫斯科举行的新闻发布会上公布了初步计票结果。

    Central Election Chief Vladimir Churov announced the preliminary results at a Monday morning news conference in the Russian capital .

  5. Kupriyanov在莫斯科下午的新闻发布会上说,俄罗斯随时准备与乌克兰签订新的合同。

    Kupriyanov told an early afternoon news conference in Moscow that Russia is prepared to sign a new contract with Ukraine at any time .

  6. 我们在莫斯科市中心的新闻室将放大后的照片拼在一起,现在这一事件本身真的没有太多进展,但仍然很多的不确定性。

    We are piecing the broader picture together here in our newsroom in central Moscow and right now there really isn 't very much movement in the case itself but still a lot of uncertainty .

  7. 双方都认为争论的责任在对方。俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的发言人新年前夕在莫斯科举行的新闻发布会上展示了一封信,他说这封信是乌克兰天然气公司的负责人签署的。

    A spokesman for the Russian gas giant , Gazprom , held up a letter at a Moscow new conference on New Year 's Eve that he says was signed by the head of Ukraine 's gas company .

  8. 俄罗斯天然气工业公司的发言人库普里扬诺夫星期二上午在莫斯科的一个新闻发布会上说,该公司将在星期二傍晚时把对乌克兰的天然气供应量再减少25%。此前,俄罗斯天然气工业公司已经在星期一进行了类似的削减。

    Speaking at a morning news conference in the Russian capital , Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said the company would reduce Ukraine 's gas supplies by another 25 percent Tuesday evening . It follows a similar cut on Monday .