
  • 网络botox;face-lift;thin
  1. 瘦脸方法有很多,怎样才能简单塑造瓜子脸呢?

    There are many ways a face-lift , how can a simple shape melon face it ?

  2. 早期基督教徒的苦行他那苦行僧似的瘦脸反映出他正在冥思苦索。

    Early Christian austerities His thin , ascetic face mirrows an intensity of thought .

  3. 美图app每个月帮助2.7亿用户美化照片,尤其对于重视形象的社交软件达人,用美图瘦脸,拉长腿,或者给照片增加趣味是上传照片之前必不可少的工序。

    Meitu app helps 270 million monthly active users slim faces , lengthen legs and otherwise spice up their online appearance - essential among image-obsessed social media mavens .

  4. M&S内衣设计部的SoozieJenkinson说:“塑型是不需要去健身就可以改变你轮廓的最好办法。”选择适合你的发型可以说是个瘦脸的最好办法。

    Soozie Jenkinson , head of lingerie design for M & S , says : ' Shapewear is the easiest way to change your silhouette without visiting the gym .

  5. 最近,阿克曼做空了营养品公司康宝莱(Herbalife),还敌意收购了制造瘦脸除皱注射剂保妥适(Botox)的爱力根公司(Allergan),成了媒体关注的焦点。首先,巴菲特不在股市做空,也不参与金融衍生产品交易。

    First , unlike Ackman , who has lately made headlines for his short position in Herbalife ( HLF ) and hostile bid for Botox manufacturer Allergan ( AGN ) , Buffett doesn 't short stocks or trade in derivatives .

  6. 他一面说一面来回走动,聪明的瘦脸上神采焕发。

    He was pacing as he talked , his lean clever face electrically alive .

  7. 选择适合你的发型可以说是个瘦脸的最好办法。

    Choosing the right hairstyle can be the easiest way to take weight off your face .

  8. 燃烧脂肪,有效地改善皮肤纹理并达到瘦身,瘦脸的效果。

    Refines texture glides effectively and slims your face and body with a fat burning effect .

  9. 他的瘦脸和大眼睛都现出一种疯狂无力的愤怒表情。

    His thin face and large eyes were wrought into an expression of frantic , powerless fury .

  10. 前斜角肌综合症国人胸骨肌的统计A型肉毒毒素咬肌多点注射联合颊脂垫吸除瘦脸术

    Face Thinning Technique of Buccal Fat Lining Aspiration Combined with Multi-point Musculus Masseter Injection of Type A Botulinum Toxin

  11. 目的:探讨一种治疗下颌骨无明显肥大的胖圆脸的微创瘦脸方法。

    Objective To explore a microinvasive face thinning technique to treat fat face without significant overgrowth of lower jaw bone .

  12. 然后就是瘦脸轮,据说可以改善血液循环并缩小脸蛋。

    Then there were the face slimming rollers that were said to improve your blood circulation and make your face smaller .

  13. 功效:收紧皮下结缔组织,改善淋巴循环,转移皮下多余脂肪,紧实面部轮廓,消脂瘦脸。

    Function : tightenes subcutaneous connective tissue , improves lymphatic circulation , transfers the unwanted subcutaneous fat , lifts facial contouring , reduces fat and slims the face .

  14. 埃尼斯,高鼻梁,瘦脸型,邋里邋遢的,胸部有点凹陷,上身短,腿又长又弯。他有一身适合骑马和打架的坚韧肌肉。

    Ennis , high-arched nose and narrow face , was scruffy and a little cave-chested , balanced a small torso on long , caliper legs , possessed a muscular and supple body made for the horse and for fighting .

  15. 如果你正在寻找瘦脸的方法或运动,本视频非常适合你。视频示范了面部和全身变瘦的正确的运动和完美的方法。

    If you are looking for methods or exercises to lose your facial fat , then this video is perfectly suited to you as it demonstrates the right exercises and the perfect way to slim down your face and your whole body .

  16. 但她心里说:“大约40多岁,高个儿,黑头发,瘦脸庞。对了,我知道你是谁,约翰·巴萨德先生。”“生意好吗?”陌生人问。

    Good day , Monsieur , ' said Madame Defarge , but to herself she said , ' About forty years old , tall , black hair , thin face . Yes , I know who you are , Mr John Barsad . ' ' Is business good ? ' asked the stranger . '