
lì ji
  • dysentery;diarrhea
痢疾 [lì jí]
  • [dysentery; diarrhoea] 以严重腹泻、粘液血便并常有肠道溃疡及毒血症、腹痛以及里急后重为特征的一种往往是流行性或地方性的疾病,一般由于致病菌或原生动物所引起,主要通过污染的食物或水而传播

痢疾[lì ji]
  1. 得了痢疾忌讳吃生冷油腻。

    People suffering from dysentery must avoid raw , cold or greasy food .

  2. 构建山西省太原市痢疾发病率的ARIMA模型

    Construction of ARIMA model on the incidence rate of dysentery in Taiyuan

  3. Red重组系统在痢疾杆菌基因敲除中的应用研究

    Study on Gene Knockout Using Red System in Shigella flexneri

  4. 痢疾杆菌大质粒DNA的制备及影响因素

    Preparation of large plasmid DNA of Shigella and the factors affecting it

  5. DNA探针检测痢疾杆菌和侵袭性大肠杆菌的研究&Ⅰ探针的制备及效果观察

    Use of DNA Probe in the Examination of Bacillus dysenteriae and Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli

  6. 59株痢疾杆菌药敏及耐药性R质粒检测结果分析

    Analysis of results of drug sensitivity determination and antibiotic resistant plasmid testing of Shigella

  7. 痢疾杆菌R质粒的检测、消除及药物敏感试验

    Studies on the detection and elimination of R plasmids and drug resistance of Shigella

  8. PCR检测与细菌培养方法在细菌性痢疾监测中的应用比较

    Underestimated incidence rate of shigellosis : comparison of PCR and coproculture methods in a surveillance study

  9. 流式细胞仪测定单克隆抗体识别福氏2a痢疾杆菌及其突变株表面抗原分子表达的分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Surface Antigen Expression on Shigella flexneri 2a using Flow Cytometry

  10. 福氏2a痢疾菌多糖蛋白结合抗原的制备和免疫原性观察

    Preparation and immunogenicity of S. flexneri 2a polysaccharide-protein conjugate

  11. 方法采用不同膜抗原的单抗处理痢疾杆菌后进行HeLa细胞入侵及阻断实验,观察不同膜抗原单抗对痢疾杆菌入侵的作用。

    Methods After treated with McAbs against various membrane antigens , Shigella invaded the HeLa cells .

  12. 用单克隆抗体PAP桥联酶标技术检测猪粪中的猪痢疾密螺旋体

    Monoclonal antibody enzyme bridge method for the detection of Treponema hyodysenteriae in pig faeces

  13. 雌性Wistar大鼠随机分为正常对照组和实验组,实验组应用浓度为9×10~8CFU/ml的福氏Ⅳ型志贺氏痢疾杆菌1ml灌胃造成急性肠道感染,正常对照组用等量生理盐水灌胃。

    Female Wistar rats were divided into normal control and experimental group .

  14. mL-1。香荆芥酚对痢疾杆菌的MIC为0.125~0.500mg。

    The MIC and MBC of carvacrol for dysentery bacteria were 0.125-0.500 mg .

  15. 这为以asd基因作为靶基因构建痢疾菌的载体宿主平衡致死系统创造了条件。

    This will be of benefit to constructing the balanced lethal system of Shigella .

  16. 以鸡鲍氏志贺菌、鸡白痢沙门菌和痢疾志贺菌为研究对象,分别提取基因组DNA,利用6条随机引物以随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对其基因组DNA进行了分析。

    The genetic diversity among strains of chicken Shigella boydii , Shigella dysenteriae and S.Pullorum was studied by random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) with 6 random primers .

  17. 联合国儿童基金会发言人BrianHansford表示,肺炎和痢疾仍然是世界上两个最大的幼童杀手。

    UNICEF spokesman Brian Hansford says pneumonia and diarrhea remain the world 's two greatest killers of young children .

  18. 痢疾菌的毒力不仅与Ipa有关,而且还与LPS抗原有关。

    The virulence of Shigella is related not only with Ipas , but also with LPS antigen .

  19. 结果在检出的112株痢疾志贺菌(以下简称痢疾杆菌)中,B群103株(福氏痢疾杆菌)、D群9株(宋内痢疾杆菌)。

    The confirming test were made for the suspicious strains . Results Of the 112 strains of Shigella detected , 103 were group B ( Shigella flexneri ) and 9 group D ( Shigella sonnei ) .

  20. HBsAg阳性率为1.85%,细菌性痢疾患病率为0.04%,肺结核患病率为0.02%。

    The HBsAg positive rate was 1.85 % , and the incidence of bacillary dysentery and tuberculosis were 0.04 % and 0.02 % respectively .

  21. 双价痢疾菌苗株免疫小鼠后GALT中ASC的观测

    Detection of ASC in GALT after immunization with two bivalent Shigella vaccines in mice

  22. 吡哌酸联合TMP治疗急性细菌性痢疾的临床观察(附331例)

    A Clinical Study of the Treatment of Acute Bacillary Dysentry Using Aminocaproic Acid with TMP ( A Report of 331 Cases )

  23. 痢疾杆菌免疫小鼠的GALT中T淋巴细胞亚群的应答状态

    T lymphocyte subpopulation in the GALT of Shigella flexneri 2a infected

  24. 目的构建痢疾发病率的ARIMA模型,预测太原市痢疾的发病趋势。

    Objective The present study was designed to construct the ARIMA model for predicting the incidence of dysentery in Taiyuan .

  25. 本实验采用碱变性的方法制备痢疾杆菌大质粒。在制备中观察了碱、温度、时间及SDS几个因素对质粒纯度的影响。

    The effects of concentration of NaOH and SDS temperature and duration of incubation on the isolation and purification of large plasmid DNA of Shigella were studied .

  26. 结果在116例细菌性痢疾患者中,福氏志贺菌仍最多,为68例;F4为优势血清型,36株;

    Results Among 116 patients with shigellosis , Shigella flexneri was the dominant group , F4 was the dominant serotype .

  27. 以携带R质粒的痢疾杆菌F(13)株为靶细菌,以黄芩甙作为R质粒消除剂,进行R质粒体外消除试验。

    The R plasmid curing experiment was performed in Shigella strain , F_ ( 13 ), which used as a target bacteria bearing R plasmid with Huangqin , a traditional chinese herb , as a elimination agent in vitro .

  28. 结论本次疫情系因志贺4C菌引起的一起痢疾暴发疫情,在浙江省省尚属首次报道。

    Conclusion The outbreak epidemic is caused by shigella flexneri 4c , which is reported for the first time in our province .

  29. 体外测定该挥发油对痢疾杆菌不同菌群的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(MBC)。

    The minimal inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) and minimal bactericidal concentration ( MBC ) of the drug for the dysentery bacilli were determined in vitro .

  30. 双价痢疾菌苗不同途径免疫小鼠对脾细胞及GALT中ASC影响的实验研究

    Detection of ASC in spleen cells and GALT after immunization with two bivalent Shigella vaccines in different administration rout in mice