
  • 网络Shigella dysenteriae;S.dysenteriae;Sh.dysenteriae;Shigella ddysenteriae
  1. 痢疾志贺氏菌0.125%,10%,20%;

    Shigella dusenterlea : 0.125 % , 10 % , 20 % ;

  2. 目前鸡群虽有鸡痢疾志贺氏菌灭活苗进行免疫,但仍缺少正确评价疫苗免疫效果和免疫抗体监测的可靠手段和方法。

    At present , flock shigella bacteria inactivated vaccine has been obtained , but the reliable method and means is still short in correct valuation of immunizing potence .

  3. 探讨小儿细菌性痢疾福氏志贺氏菌感染对抗生素敏感性。

    To study the sensitivity of Shigella flexneri to the antibiotics in66 pediatric patients with bacillary dysentery .