- loco weed

Swainsonine ( SW ) is the main poisonous composition of locoweed which can cause animals poisoning .
The indolizidine alkaloid swainsonine is the main toxic composition of Locoweed .
Locoweeds are mainly distributed on the vast rangeland , exceeding 11 million hectares , in northwest , north and southwest China .
Swainsonine ( SW ) is the primary toxicant in locoweeds within the genera Oxytropis and Astragalus , with a small molecular weight and chemically being indolizidine alkaloid .
This paper was main about the isolation and identification of fungal endophytes from locoweeds in China , determination of swainsonine-producing fungal endophytes , phylogenetic relationships based on ITS-5.8S rDNA sequences , genetic polymorphism and cultural characteristics on solid media of fungal endophytes . 1 .
These pathological changes are totally different from locoweed poisoning .
Studies on the Prevention or Killing off and Utilization of China Locoweed
Effect of " Fengcaoling Slow Release Pill " Preventing Oxytropis Poisoning in Sheep
Locoweed Harm Investigation in the West Grassland of China
Clinical Symptoms of Toxicosis in Animals by Crazyweed
Tufted locoweed of southwestern United States having purple or pink to white flowers .
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It has been heavily endangering the local development of livestock husbandry and causing great economic loss .
The research about swainsonine-producing fungal endophyte will offer a new reference for controlling and using locoweed .
It establishes the foundation for the research on the relationship between endophytic bacteria and SW in locoweed . 1 .
This study provides a basis for the study on the fermentation and the synthetic mechanism of swainsonine of endophytic fungi .
One of the locoweed , Oxytropis kansuensis Bunge , widely distributes in the pastoral pasture of northwestern Sichuan and Gansu province .
Locoweed is a main poisonous plant in the world , and is also the most important toxic plant in grassland of China .
This article summarized the three toxic constituent of locoweed : aliphatic nitro compound , selenium and selenide , locoweed toxin ( alkaloids ) .
Locoweeds are toxic plants of the genera Astragalus and Oxytropis containing swainsonine . Locoism is one of the most widespread poisonous plant problems .
This experiment isolated and cultured endophytic bacteria from Oxytropis kansuensis Bunge . which was as the foundation for screening of SW-degrading bacteria in locoweed . 3 .
Isolation and identification of swainsonine degrading bacterial strain 15 stains were found can resist to high concentration swainsonine from soil where locoweed grow , using traditional enrichment procedure .
It is the first document about swainsonine-producing fungal endophytes from locoweeds in China . The study offers a new possible avenue for dealing with locoism by controlling the endophytes instead of locoweed plants . 3 .
The locoweed distribution within Inner Mongolia , the locoweed poisoning mechanisms to livestock , the related ecological and environmental factors , damages caused and the prospects for developing and usage of the locoweeds were reviewed .
Researches showed that locoweed is one of the Leguminosae plants , contains rich nutrition composition and mineral elements . If locoweed can be utilized reasonably , not only in the locoweed poisoning will be controled , but also the shortage of forage grass will be solved .
The method is better reproducibility , rapid accurate , high degree of accuracy , and is useful to carry out qualitative and quantitative analyses of SW content in locoweed samples . This lays the foundation for detection of swainsonine changes in the progress of biodegradation . 3 .