
  1. 食管癌患者术后血清OPN22.69±5.85(ng/ml),下降有统计学意义(P0.05),但仍稍高于正常人。

    Esophageal cancer patients serum OPN decrease statistically significant ( P0.05 ), but still higher than normal . 3 .

  2. 当年岁稍长的人在鸡尾酒会上怎么也想不起别人的名字时,他们往往会想脑力是大不如前了。

    When older people can no longer remember names at a cocktail party , they tend to think that their brainpower is declining .

  3. 对于年纪稍长的人来说,他们后悔的其中一件事情就是活在他人的期待之中而不是自己的梦想和喜好。

    One of the top regrets of seniors is following others ' expectations for their life rather than their own dreams and preferences .

  4. 年龄稍长的人一般会穿得很酷又很休闲,如果你也那样穿,你也不会感到不习惯。

    Older generations normally dress cool and casual and in general you won 't feel out of place if you do as well .

  5. 年龄稍长的人都抱怨说:现在的流行音乐声音大,而且所有歌曲听起来都一样。

    It is a familiar complaint from those of a certain age : today 's pop music is louder and all the songs sound the same .

  6. 他们发现,无名指与食指长度相同或稍短的人在30~40岁时得突发心脏病的几率很高。

    They found that men whose ring fingers are the same length or shorter than their index fingers are at far greater risk of a premature heart attack in their thirties and forties .

  7. 我讯问了每个人,甚至连稍有关联的人都没放过。

    I interrogated everyone even slightly involved .

  8. 凡是稍有自尊心的人,都容忍不了这种亲戚关系。

    Every kind of pride must revolt from the connection .

  9. 很多年龄稍长的中国人从未开发过弹钢琴的天赋。

    Many older people in China never developed a talent for playing the piano .

  10. adj.1.正直的2.谨慎小心的稍不正直的人就不会将钱送还给失主。

    scrupulous A less scrupulous man wouldn 't give the money back to its owner .

  11. 他们说,体格稍微弱一些的人,挨枪子的几分钟后就会死亡。

    A weaker man , they concluded , would have died the minute he was shot .

  12. 许多年轻人--还包括年纪稍大一些的人,

    There are a lot of young people -- and some not-so-young people -- out there ,

  13. 因此,只要对中国稍有了解的人就能发现,经合组织的分类,包括典型的国有企业。

    Thus , the OECD classification included companies that people with even basic knowledge of China would recognise as quintessentially state-owned .

  14. 今天,只要是对网络稍有了解的人,就不会没听说过黑客这个词。

    Today , almost everyone who knows a little bit of internet , will definitely hear about the word " hackers " .

  15. 你可以调整你所跳的舞蹈形式,来适应由于心脏病而稍受限制的人(的需求)。

    You could adjust the form of dance you 're doing for the person who is mildly limited because of heart disease .

  16. 即便是那些对金融稍有涉猎的人也知道,金融危机的种子此时已经埋下。

    As anyone with even a passing interest in finance will know , this was how the seeds of the financial crisis were sown .

  17. 显然,稍有头脑的人都不会被街道上的这种旗帜或电视上的这种广告所打动。

    Obviously no half-foolish person can be completely persuaded either by such flying banners in the streets or by such ads on the TV .

  18. 在过去,查尔斯常常被各种各样的评论描绘成一个迟钝且习惯谈论他的花草的稍显古怪的人。

    In the past , Charles has been portrayed by various commentators as a dull , slightly loopy eccentric with a habit of talking to his plants .

  19. 事实上,北方佬制造那个大赦誓言的办法就是让每个在战前稍有身分的人都一律不能投票。

    Fact is , the way the Yankees have framed up that Amnesty oath , Ca n 't nobody who was somebody before the war vote at all .

  20. 其机制是双眼间的模糊抑制,虽然双焦点的视力通常会较正常视力稍下降,但人的大脑会逐渐适应这一双焦视力状态,而使双眼视力逐渐提高。

    Its mechanism called interocular blur suppression . The binocular visual acuity is usually slightly reduced , but the brain will gradually adapt this condition , and improve binocular vision finally .

  21. 毋需标准普尔的提醒,只要对美国政府稍有关注的人都知道,对于如何让美国公共财政的基础更为稳固,美国政客们无法达成一致。

    Nobody who pays the slightest attention to Washington needs the S   &   P update to tell them that US politicians cannot agree on how to put the public finances on a sound footing .

  22. 但是日军进攻风声稍缓,杭州人就又回到了杭州,未等歇息,就先跑去看西湖,一边欣赏西湖美景一边喝茶。

    But the Japanese attack on the wind slowed down , Hangzhou people went back to Hangzhou , not waiting for the rest to start and to see the West Lake , while enjoying the beauty of West Lake while drinking tea .

  23. 这一次,雅虎直截了当地表示,所有受影响用户的密码存储方式,都会让对网络安全稍有了解的人对世界的疯狂跳脚。

    This time Yahoo is saying outright that all affected user passwords were stored in a manner that makes your average cyber security bod go nuts at the madness of the world . Security ! experts ! slam ! Yahoo ! management ! for !

  24. 一半稍少的病人输入了存放14天或更少天数的血液,一半稍多的人输入了存放时间较长的血液。

    A little less than half of the patients received blood that had been stored for14 days or less , and a little more than half got blood that was older .
