
fēng gǒu
  • mad dog;rabid dog
疯狗 [fēng gǒu]
  • [mad dog;rabid dog] 有狂犬病的狗;亦作骂人的话,喻丧失理智胡作非为的人

疯狗[fēng gǒu]
  1. 被疯狗咬伤会致死的。

    The bite of a mad dog is fatal .

  2. 那个男孩被一条疯狗咬了。

    The boy was bitten by a mad dog .

  3. 这都使利比亚成为一个不受欢迎的国家,并使美国总统里根(RonaldReagan)给卡扎菲起了一个别出心裁的外号:“中东的疯狗”。

    S.President Ronald Reagan to bestow a different nickname on its leader : 'the mad dog of the Middle East .

  4. 前美国总统罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)曾形容他是“中东的疯狗”。

    Ronald Reagan , the former US president , described him as " the mad dog of the Middle East " .

  5. 一只疯狗!我们应该打给警察吗?

    A mad dog ! Shouldn 't we call the police ?

  6. 勇敢的母亲保护了她的儿子,使他免遭疯狗之殃。

    The brave mother defended her son from the mad dog .

  7. 不用了,它不是真正的疯狗

    No , he 's not that kind of a mad dog

  8. 你是不是觉得我着魔了?是我杀了那疯狗?

    You think I was possessed * And murdered mad dog ?

  9. 地图显示二零零七年全球疯狗症的分布情况。

    The map shows the occurrence of rabies worldwide in2007 .

  10. 我知道你是疯狗,但我呢,流浪者?

    I know you are , but what am I , rover ?

  11. 你就像那疯狗老师似的,我们可是死敌啊。

    Now you sound like mad dog . we 're mortal enemies .

  12. 他对我咬牙切齿,象个疯狗似地吐着白沫。

    He gnashed at me , and foamed like a mad dog .

  13. 相比之下我宁愿变成疯狗。

    I would rather be mad than disgrace our name .

  14. 那位教师保护了学生们,使其免遭疯狗的伤害。

    The teacher defended her pupils from the mad dog .

  15. 给朝鲜扔些骨头,让他们把疯狗关起来!

    Throw NK some bones , it will shut the crazy dog up .

  16. 她保护着孩子免受疯狗伤害。

    She defended her children from the mad dog .

  17. 呦,这些小孩子像疯狗样朝我乱叫。

    Yo , these kids are mad dogging me .

  18. 疯狗可能嘴边流着白沫。

    A rabid dog may froth AT the mouth .

  19. 她让疯狗咬得伤势很重。

    She was badly savaged by a mad dog .

  20. 惟有疯狗与英国人会在中午的烈日之下跑到外头去。

    Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid - day sun .

  21. 递给我那块面包!我们现在是群疯狗!

    You will hand me that bread ! We are the mad dogs !

  22. 有意思的是,你也把他叫做疯狗,是不是?

    Funny , you called him an attack dog , didn 't you * ?

  23. 有只疯狗在追人

    There 's a mad dog chasing people !

  24. 你不能让我把那疯狗似的人带回家。

    You couldn 't pay me to take in a mad dog like that .

  25. 狗主必须替其狗只领取牌照及替家畜作预防疯狗症注射。

    Dog owners should make sure their dogs are licensed and vaccinated against rabies .

  26. 这人阻止疯狗以防它咬人。

    The man held back the mad dog to prevent people from being bitten .

  27. 不顺心的时候,你可以像疯狗那样发狂。

    You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went .

  28. 疯狗会咬人。

    A mad dog may bite people .

  29. 那疯狗从丹身边跑过。

    The mad dog ran past Dan .

  30. 把那玩意儿顶在头上,我成了个疯狗太太。

    With that machine on my head , I have the air of Madame Mad-dog .