
  1. 在20世纪80年代中期,托拉尔通过自修和在电脑学校学习了电脑语言和编程。

    In the mid-1980s , Toral studied computer languages and programs on her own and in computer schools .

  2. 学校与党校合作开展学历教育,是泸州地区目前最好的电脑学校。

    In cooperation with schools and the education of party schools is currently the best computer Luzhou area schools .

  3. 在八年级时,盖茨和两位朋友用电脑为学校编写了花名册程序。

    In the eighth grade , Gates and two friends wrote a computerized payroll program for their school .

  4. 这对那些无法购置足够多电脑的学校是一个很好的消息,并且这项工程就开发了一个我们以前不曾触及的市场。

    This is a big advance for schools where there aren 't enough computers to go around , and it serves a market we hadn 't examined before .

  5. 保证可编程芯片和单片机上电复位信号时序正确的两种方法在八年级时,盖茨和两位朋友用电脑为学校编写了花名册程序。

    The two methods that make the correct POR time sequence In the eighth grade , Gates and two friends wrote a computerized payroll program for their school .

  6. 研究结论可以为电脑培训学校在塑造品牌形象方面提供理论支持和有效的实践指导,树立良好的品牌形象,从而提高电脑培训学校的竞争实力。

    The results can provide effective guidance to computer skills training schools about the theory of brand image construction and practice of shaping brand image , the formation of favourable brand image can increase the core competition of computer training schools .

  7. 我不爱唱歌,也不喜欢玩电脑。新年华学校。

    I don 't enjoy singing , nor do I like computers .

  8. 他送了十台电脑给我们学校。

    He gave away ten computers to our school .

  9. 你们办公室的电脑比我们学校的电脑要贵。

    The computers in your office are more expensive than those in our school .

  10. 谷歌也开始推出ChromeOS平板电脑,因此对学校售价299美元的iPad可能会面临更大的压力。

    Google is also starting to introduce Chrome OS tablets , so a $ 299 iPad could soon come under even greater pressure in classrooms .

  11. 我认为i学生会用电脑,但是在学校里。

    I think students will use computers , but in school .

  12. 并偷走了我们的电脑那将是学校的问题

    and stole our computer , that would be a university issue .

  13. 电脑已经送到了学校。

    The computers have been taken to school .

  14. 任何连接学校网络的电脑都可以登入学校所有的图书馆数据库和电子资源库。

    All of the librarys databases and electronic sources can be accessed through any computer connected to the university network .