
diàn qì jī chē
  • electric locomotive
  1. 这是中国列车制造商CSR公司接到的最大的单笔电气机车出口订单。

    It 's Chinese train maker CSR 's biggest single export deal for electric locomotives .

  2. 许多铁路线已经由蒸气机改成电气机车。

    Many railway lines have changed over from steam to electric .

  3. 用半导体激光干涉法测量电气机车接触导线滑动面

    Measurement of the Sliding Surface of the Contact Wire by Means of Semiconductor Laser Interferometry

  4. 电动机在运输上有很重要价值,这不仅是因为用它来驱动电车和电气机车,而且还因为近来已用它来转动轮船的推进器。

    The electric motor is of great importance and value in transportation , not only because it is used to drive electric cars and electric locomotives , but also because recently it has come to be used to turn the propellers of ships .

  5. 本文采用SVC对电气化铁路机车负荷在电网中引起的谐波和负序问题进行治理。

    In this paper , SVC is adopted to manage harmonics and negative sequences in the power system .

  6. GB/T15708-1995交流电气化铁道电力机车运行产生的无线电辐射干扰的测量方法

    Measurement method of radiated radio interference caused by moving electric locomotive on AC electrified railways

  7. 电气化铁路电力机车获得动力的关键部位是弓网系统。

    The pantograph-catenary system is the key part of the electric locomotive getting driving power .

  8. 电气化铁道电力机车牵引负荷为大功率单相整流负荷,具有非线性、不对称和波动性等特点。

    Traction load in electric railway is a kind of large-power , single-phrase and nonlinear load .

  9. 电气化铁道电力机车在高速、重载、节能等方面具有显著的优越性,使得其在我国铁路运输中所担负的任务越来越大。

    The electric railways have superiority in high speed , heavy load and energy conservation , so it will be more and more important in our country .

  10. 电气系统是电力机车的重要组成部分,电气系统正常工作才能保证机车的正常运行。

    The electrical system is the very important composing part of the electric locomotive . Only working well of the electrical system can assures the locomotive in good station .

  11. 电气系统作为电力机车的重要组成成分,当电气系统工作不正常时,可能导致电力机车的不能正常运行。

    Electrical system is an important part of electric locomotives , if the electrical system is not working well , the normal operation of electric locomotives will not be ensured .

  12. 安全是铁路运输质量的重要保证,电气系统是电力机车的重要组成部分,其故障将直接影响电力机车的正常运行。

    The safety is an important guarantee about the quality of railway transportation . The electrical system is the core device of the electric locomotive , in which the fault will affect the normal operation of electric locomotive .

  13. 近年来,随着电气化铁路建设速度的不断加快,电气化铁路机车逐渐成为了电力系统中主要的大型谐波源之一,对电气化铁路和电力电网的安全运行带来了很大的危害。

    In recent years , with the accelerating of electrified railway construction , electric locomotive is gradually becoming one of the main sources of the harmonic in power system .