
  • 网络electronic channel;e-channel
  1. BToC中电子渠道与传统渠道的整合

    Conformity of Electronic Channel and Traditional Channel in B TO C

  2. 商务网站必须把电子渠道和电子商务与CRM进行整合,使其成为CRM整体战略的一部分,以避免渠道冲突。

    Commerce Website must regard electronic channel and Electronic Commerce as the part of CRM overall strategy in order to avoid channel conflict .

  3. 最后,C省非常希望能通过发展电子渠道,建立向未来的竞争优势。

    Finally , C Province Branch wants to establish the future competitive advantage through the development of electronic channels .

  4. 在此基础上,电信业服务渠道的概念也产生了更广泛的外延,这就引发了电信运营商的渠道变革,即电子渠道(Electronicchannels)的兴起。

    Based on this , the concept of telecommunications services channels have been greatly expanded , leading to the channel revolution of telecom operators and booming of Electronic channels .

  5. 其次是因为C省移动和宽带用户发展规模已经较大,由此产生的营销服务压力可以借助电子渠道有效缓解。

    Secondly , because the scale of mobile and broadband users in C provincial is already large , the resulting pressure on the marketing services can be effectively mitigated through electronic channels .

  6. 第五章:运用PEST分析、SWOT分析等工具,对中国移动电子渠道营销的外部环境、内部状况、竞争对手情况进行全面分析。

    Use the PEST and SWOT method analyze the external environment , internal status and competitor of electronic channel marketing of China Mobile .

  7. 借助4C理论,给出针对不同用户群的电子渠道推广策略。

    Basing on the 4C theory , provide promotion strategy of electronic channel for different user group . 2 .

  8. 在对称信息的框架下,建立了双渠道供应链中制造商电子渠道与零售商服务合作的Stackelberg和Bertrand模型。

    In the symmetric-information framework , the service-cooperation Stackelberg and Bertrand model of electronic channels and retailers in dual-channel supply chain are proposed .

  9. 在电子渠道战略要素评价研究中,本文运用层次分析法和专家评分法的办法,采用EFE矩阵和IFE矩阵,对电子渠道内外部影响因素进行了评价,并进行了综合性的SWOT分析。

    AHP and expert score methods , the use of EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix , internal and external factors affecting the evaluation , and conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis .

  10. 考虑零售商在传统渠道中附带销售电子渠道商品的互补品,建立了渠道产品合作的双渠道供应链Bertrand博弈模型。

    Consider the retailers sell the complementary goods of electronic-channels commodities in the traditional retail channels , a Bertrand game model of channel-product cooperation about dual-channel supply chain is proposed .

  11. 接着,放松渠道零售价格相等的约束,探讨当电子渠道与传统渠道之间价格无任何限制时,制造商和零售商Stackelberg竞争模式下各自的利润、零售价以及制造商的最优批发价。

    Thirdly , relaxing the constraint for keeping retail price equal , the profit for the manufacturer and the retailer , retail price and optimal wholesale price are analyzed under Stackelberg completion between manufacturer and retailer respectively .

  12. 电子渠道系统属于中国电信CTG-MBOSS的渠道域,是中国电信客户服务渠道解决方案的重要组成部分。

    Electronic channel system belongs to the channel domain of China Telecom CTG-MBOSS and serves as an important part of China Telecom customer service channel solutions .

  13. 需求预测信息不对称下电子渠道与零售商合作策略研究

    Cooperation strategy between electronic channels and retailers under asymmetric demand information environment

  14. 双渠道供应链电子渠道与零售商合作策略研究

    Study on cooperation strategy between electronic channels and retailers in dual-channel supply chain

  15. 南水北调中线工程数字电子渠道建设研究

    Study on Digital Electronic Channel of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  16. 电子渠道精细营销平台助力全业务运营

    Building fine-wide marketing platform in the electronic channels to help the entire business operations

  17. 第三、形成统一的电子渠道维护界面,实现渠道之间的协同。

    Third , forming a unified electronic channel maintenance interface , and achieving synergy between channels .

  18. 结果证明:在电子渠道中对不同的商品消费者接受程度是不同的;

    The results indicate that : different products do have different customer acceptance on the electronic market ;

  19. 并分析国内外其他电信运营商在电子渠道方面的发展情况。

    Introduce the development of electronic channel in other telecom operators and bank domestic and overseas . 4 .

  20. 各大银行之间的竞争从传统渠道转向电子渠道。

    The competition of those big-size banks had turned from " traditional channels " to " electronic channels " .

  21. 如果我们要通过这些电子渠道提供产品和服务,我们将与谁合作?

    If we 're going to offer our product or service on these electronic channels , whom do we partner with ?

  22. 分析发现电子渠道的需求不受零售商是否合作的影响,对一个简化情形,得到了制造商和零售商选择在电子渠道合作的解析条件。

    With a simplified case , it gets the analytical conditions that manufacturers and retailers choose cooperation in the electronic channels .

  23. 文中的双渠道指由电子渠道和传统渠道组成,且是由一个制造商与一个零售商组成的供应链结构。

    The dual-channel includes e-channel and traditional channel . The supply chain has two parts : a manufacturer and a retailer .

  24. 且有当电子渠道成本大于零售商配送成本时,统一由零售商配送的供应链利润要高于渠道独立配送供应链利润。

    When the electronic channel cost is more than retailers distribution costs , the profits of integrated distribution supply chain than independence distribution .

  25. 第四章:详细介绍中国移动电子渠道营销现状,并借助相关理论,从现状中分析出目前电子渠道营销存在的问题。

    Introduce current situation of electronic channel marketing of China Mobile , and try to analyze and summary the existent problems . 5 .

  26. 最后对电子渠道的进一步发展从策略、渠道、业务、服务四个方面给出建议。

    The last of the further development of the electronic channels from strategy , channel , business , service four aspects give advice .

  27. 最后聚焦在中国移动,重点说明中国移动的渠道构成,以及几类主要渠道的特征。3.第三章:介绍电子渠道营销的概念,相关理论基础。

    Lastly , focusing on the China Mobile , introduce the channel characteristic of China Mobile and several kinds of the major channels . 3 .

  28. 因此,未来实体渠道与电子渠道在企业渠道建设发展中是如何定位的,两者应该是怎样的关系日益成为理论界与企业界关注的重要问题。

    How to position the physical channels and electronic channels and which relationship between the two , are the important issues in Theorists and business .

  29. 随着科技的发展,市场竞争的加剧,传统实体渠道和新兴电子渠道构成的多渠道架构日益成为当今企业渠道发展方向。

    With the development of technology and market competition , the direction of business channels development is multi-channel which is composed of physical and electronic channels .

  30. 该支撑平台采用分层设计的理念以及B/S架构技术实现电子渠道协同的相关应用。

    The supporting platform is based on the concept of hierarchical design and B / S architecture technology for electronic channels to achieve the cooperative application .