
  1. 大阪大学的科学家和o手机运营商NTTDoCoM共同研制这款手机,NTTDoCoMo称这款手机是“革命性电信媒介”。

    It was developed by a team including scientists from Osaka University and the mobile telephone operator NTT DoCoMo who described it as a'revolutionary telecom medium . '

  2. 焊锡接点是电路板和电子封装之间传递电信号的媒介,同时还起到机械连接和支撑的作用,其破坏将直接导致电子产品失效。

    Solder joints functioned as mechanical , thermal and electrical interconnections between electronic packages and the printed circuit board ( PCB ), their failure can lead to critical malfunction of electronic products directly .