
  • 网络raw milk
  1. 与传统方法相比,采用阻抗法进行生鲜奶中菌落总数的测定具有快速、简便、准确的特点,不合格样品检验周期少于7h。

    Compared with the traditional methods , the impedance detection for aerobic bacterial count in raw milk shows superiorities such as time-saving , convenience and accuracy . Using this method , the inspection period of unqualified milk sample is less than 7 h.

  2. 避免饮用生鲜奶以及食用由生鲜奶制成的产品。

    Avoid raw milk and products made from raw milk .

  3. 目前有30个州允许消费者购买生鲜奶。

    Thirty states allow consumers to buy raw milk .

  4. 那段时间生鲜奶的消耗造成979人患病,73人入院治疗。

    During that time raw milk consumption resulted in 979 illnesses and 73 hospitalizations .

  5. 支持者们表示生鲜奶对健康有益而且尝起来味道更好。

    Proponents of raw milk contend that it provides health benefits and tastes better .

  6. 而反对一方则表示越来越多的人因为生鲜奶中的细菌而染病。

    Opponents note that more people are getting sick from bacteria in the raw milk .

  7. 当今的生鲜奶问题使得人们争论不休。

    That 's the question du jour for people on both sides of the debate about raw milk .

  8. 生鲜奶是未经巴氏杀菌处理过的牛奶。而巴氏杀菌是一种拥有百年历史利用高温将潜在有害细菌杀灭的工艺。

    That 's milk which has not undergone pasteurization , the century-old process of using heat to kill potentially harmful bacteria .

  9. 研究了培养温度和培养基对阻抗法快速检测生鲜奶菌落总数的影响。

    Effects of cultural temperature and media on rapid detection for aerobic bacterial count in raw milk using impedance method were studied in this paper .

  10. 一般认为,主要传播途径为食源性,通过未煮熟的肉类和肉类产品,以及生鲜奶或者受到污染的奶传播。

    The main route of transmission is generally believed to be foodborne , via undercooked meat and meat products , as well as raw or contaminated milk .

  11. 在1993至2006年间生鲜奶中包括沙门氏菌,大肠埃希氏菌,弯曲菌及李斯特菌等的微生物平均每年引发3次疾病爆发。

    Microbes in raw milk - including salmonella , E.coli , campylobacter and Listeria - sparked an average of three outbreaks per year between 1993 and 2006 .

  12. 现在一项新的研究发现2010至12年间,美国食物造成的疾病中5%都与生鲜奶这个已知源头有关。

    A new study finds that between 2010 and 2012 , 5 percent of all U.S. food-borne outbreaks with a known source were tied to raw milk .