
shēng chén
  • birthday;birthdate
生辰 [shēng chén]
  • [birthday] 生日

  • 生辰八字

生辰[shēng chén]
  1. 来看看NHS体系下鲍德斯医院的另一个例子。一名死婴错误地被医院登记为活着,孩子一岁生辰时,微笑幼儿口腔健康机构还给它的父母寄去了一张周岁生日卡片。

    In another NHS Borders case , a stillborn baby was wrongly recorded as being alive and the parents sent a first birthday card a year later by the Child Smile oral health initiative .

  2. 我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是托帕石。

    I was born in November , so my birthstone is Topaz .

  3. 曹雪芹生辰新说

    A New View on the Birthday of CAO Xue-qin

  4. 关于孔子的生辰,史书的记载存在着分歧。

    There are different opinions on Confucious exact birthday in the historical records .

  5. 生辰图是魅惑的开始。

    A birth chart is a beginning to enchantment .

  6. 冬天生辰在水瓶座的人,内心像寒冬一样冰冷。

    A day in the life of an Aquarius .

  7. 热烈祝贺你的生辰!

    My birthday wishes to you are the warmest .

  8. 生辰,一度涌现于光明的金海,

    Nativity , once in the main of light ,

  9. 宗族内所有的家庭,都必须呈报家中所有的生辰、忌日和婚事。

    All families within the clan must submit all births , death and marriages .

  10. 祝福一位斑斓迷人,聪明大方,成熟肃静严厉,又倍受赞叹的妙人儿,生辰快乐。

    Happy birthday to an attractive , intellectual , sophisticated and all round splendid person .

  11. 每个人一生中都会有一块属于自己的宝石,这块宝石也就是生辰石。

    In one 's life , everyone is assigned a precious stone which called birthstone .

  12. 女巫小提示:请记好你的生辰再来做预测哦!

    The sorceress prompts : Please record precise time of your birthday to make the forecast !

  13. 她选择自己父亲的生辰??10月16日做为纪念的日子。

    She designated October 16 as the special day because it was her father 's birthday .

  14. 而且作为十一月的生辰石,托帕石能够赐予佩戴者智慧、美丽和健康长寿。

    As the birthstone of November Topaz brings wisdom , beauty and longevity to its wearer .

  15. 世界上数百万人为他所动,仍然在圣诞节为他庆祝生辰。

    Countless millions of people around the world continue to celebrate his birthday at Christmas , inspired by his teaching .

  16. 是一个朋友送我的生辰礼品,不过腰围的地方有点太紧了。

    I got them from a friend of mine as a birthday present , but they were kind of too tight around the waist .

  17. 但是生辰八字知识复杂,所以我现在也只能对它作简单的描述给你。

    However , the knowledge of the8 characters of the birth moment is very complicated , so I 'm only able to give you some basic information .

  18. 包括公农历节日、节气、干支(生辰八字)、生肖、星座、出梅入梅、九九三伏以及中国传统黄历的内容等。

    Including the Lunar holiday cycle , Ganzhi ( birthday horoscopes ), the Lunar New Year , Constellation , out-MOD , 993 volts , as well as traditional Chinese almanac 's content .

  19. 以星相学来讲,你起始一项任务的日期是很重要的&因为起始日就是这项任务的“生辰”,它可是会由始至终影响这项任务的未来走向哦。

    In astrology it matters a great deal the date that you choose to initiate a venture-it is the " birth " of that venture , forever affecting it in the future .

  20. 人们通常采用传统农历中代表一个人出生年、月、日和时辰的所谓“生辰八字”来算命。

    Fortunetelling uses what is called the " eight characters " representing the year , month , day and hour of a person 's date of birth in the traditional lunar calendar .

  21. 每一个生辰时间都可以找到相对应的星座,它们依次是白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、处女座、天秤座、天蝎座、射手座、魔羯座、水瓶座和双鱼座。

    Each figure of birth can be applied to a certain Horoscope , namely , Aries , Taurus Gemini , Cancer , Leo , Virgo , Libra , Scorpio , Sagittarius , Capricorn , Aquarius , Pisces .

  22. 吉宾斯回想起,她为自己先前的地板公司寻找马来西亚合作伙伴时,曾经被带去与三名顾问见面,以检查她的生辰八字合不合。

    Ms Gibbins recalls how , when she was seeking a Malaysian partner for her previous flooring company , she was taken to see three consultants to check that she had the right feng shui number sequence .

  23. 问名:如果女方父母不反对这门亲事,媒人就会要求他们提供女孩的生辰八字,看看男孩和女孩是否相合。

    Birthday matching : If the potential bride 's parents do not object to the marriage , the matchmaker will then ask for the girl 's birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom .

  24. 如果男孩的家庭相信星象,他们会让媒人将自己儿子的生辰八字带给女方家庭,女方家庭也会回复女方的生辰八字。

    If the boy 's family found the horoscope to be favorable , they gave the boy 's birth date and hour to the go-be1ween to bring to the girl 's family , who would go through the same process .

  25. 对于我来说,拖帕石既是我的生辰石也是我的幸运石,我喜欢它,不仅因为它是我命中注定的宝石,带给我快乐,更是由于它散发出来的迷人魅力。

    As to me , Topaz is my birthstone as well as my jewelry of fortune . I like it not only for it is my guardian gemstone or it brings me happiness , but also for the glamour it adds to my life .