
shēng shí huī
  • quicklime;quick lime;unslaked lime;shell;pellouxite
生石灰 [shēng shí huī]
  • [quicklime] 石灰

生石灰[shēng shí huī]
  1. 黄土路基掺入生石灰的CBR试验分析

    A CBR Experimental Analysis on Mixing Quick Lime into Loess Roadbed

  2. 生石灰改良粘性土的作用机理

    The Action Principle of Quick Lime Modified Clayey Soil

  3. X射线荧光光谱法测定生石灰中钙、镁、硅、硫

    Determination of calcium , magnesium , silicon , and sulfur in quicklime by X-ray fluorescent spectrometry

  4. 结果表明,大田施用相当于交换酸60%的生石灰,可使土壤pH值在9个月内保持在5.8以上,但就提高花生产量来说,石灰用量以中和交换性酸30%为宜。

    The study results showed that soil pH values remained over 5.8 for 9 months when mid-amount of lime was applied .

  5. 以石英粉、生石灰为原料,水热沉淀法制备高比表面积SiO2

    Preparation of High Specific Surface SiO_2 by Hydrothermal Synthesis and Chemical Precipitation Method

  6. 钽铌冶炼过程中产生的高酸废水采用生石灰(CaO)中和,可完全去除氟、硫酸根离子。

    Neutralizing strong acid wastewater by CaO could remove the SO / , F ~ from wastewater satisfactorily .

  7. 对所研究的4种生石灰脱硫剂,建立了其平均反应速率(ΔmΔt)同平均孔半径(r)的关系。

    Of four studied quicklime , the relationship between average desulfurization rates Δ m Δ t and average pore radius ( r ) has been set up .

  8. 生石灰粉与NCS处治过湿土的对比试验研究

    Study of Comparative Test for Treating Super Humid Soil with Lime Powder and NCS

  9. 生石灰用量对MBR矿粉生产烧结矿影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Influence of Quicklime Adding Ratio on Sintering Production with MBR Ore

  10. 用实例说明了使用生石灰辅之以白云石或高MgO烧结矿的冶炼效果。

    Through practical examples , explains the smelting effect of using free lime with dolomite or high MgO sintering ore.

  11. 利用生石灰对湿排粉煤灰进行消解预处理产生的Ca(OH)2激发粉煤灰的活性。

    The activeness of fly ash is stimulated by using Ca ( OH ) 2 , which is the result of pretreating wet discharged fly ash with lime .

  12. 60℃条件下改性后的生石灰在24h内的质量平均增加为0.92%。

    And the wrapped quicklime make mass increasing by 0.92 % averagely within 24 h at 60 ℃ .

  13. 无侧限抗压强度试验表明,NCS处治后的7d无侧限抗压强度明显大于生石灰。

    The unconfined compressive strength test shows that both NCS is better than ground quicklime in 7d unconfined compressive strength .

  14. 实验还表明,加入超细活性的硅质原料,使用含少量SiO2的生石灰,以及适当降低C/S值均能促进反应速度。

    The experiment also shows that adding ultrafine active siliceous raw material , using lime with a little SiO2 , and reduce suitably the C / S value can all accelerate the reaction speed .

  15. 用明矾作混凝剂、生石灰为助凝剂对纤维板厂生产废水进行混凝处理,COD去除率达67%。

    Pretreatment of wooden fiber-board wastewater by using aluminum potassium sulfate as coagulant and calcium oxide as coagulant aid has been conducted . The removal rate of COD was 67 % .

  16. NID消化过程特点及生石灰活性的测定与分析

    Activated Determination and Analysis of Quicklime Used in NID Technology for Slaking

  17. 与对照比较,施加生石灰可显著提高枇杷园和桃园土壤pH,处理120d时土壤pH分别提高0.93和0.79个单位。

    Compared with the contrast , soil pH in loquat garden and peach garden increased 0.93 and 0.79 with the treatment of quicklime for 120 d , respectively .

  18. 动力学计算表明,生石灰干式消化过程属于扩散控制,利用Carter方程基本上能够描述生石灰干式消化反应的机理过程。

    Dynamics calculations show that the dry lime diffusion controlled the digestion process , lime carter equation could basically describe the reaction mechanism of dry digestion process .

  19. 经采取优化配矿、配加蛇纹石和生石灰强化制粒、低温厚料层烧结、强化操作等措施,将烧结矿SiO2降低到4.5%左右,并保持了较好的产质量指标。

    In order to produce the higher-TFe and lower-SiO_2 sinter , a series of measures , e. g. optimizing the raw material proportion , intensifying granulating , lower-temperature and deep-bed sintering etc.

  20. 直径0.5m,长度可达15m的石灰土柱是以生石灰就地与软粘土搅拌而成。

    The 0.5m diameter lime columns with a length up to 15m are manufactured by mixing in-situ soft clay with unslaked lime .

  21. 分析结果表明,NID脱硫用生石灰的活性测定,方法简单易行,检测方法适用于工艺生产,但在实际工业检测中,还需做平行实验。

    The analyzed result shows that determinative method for activity of quicklime adopted by NID is simplified and the detecting method is applicable for technology process , but it is required to make parallel experiments in industrial detection .

  22. 为了改善烧结混合料的粒度组成、提高烧结矿TFe含量、降低固体燃耗,包钢炼铁厂进行了用全生石灰取代石灰石的工业试验。试验取得了预期的效果

    In order to improve sintering raw mix size composition , increasing sinter TFe content and reducing solid fuel consumption , the industrial sintering test with all burnt lime to replace the limestone in BaoGang Iron Making Plant was conducted , and anticipative effect was gained

  23. 介绍了NID消化过程的特点、生石灰活性的测定方法和实验仪器,并结合某石化热电厂脱硫项目生石灰活性的测试结果,进行了分析。

    The paper presents the characteristic of NID slaking process , determinative method and experimental instrument for activity of quicklime and makes analysis on the basis of the testing results of activity of quicklime on desulfurization project in a petroleum-chemical heat and power plant .

  24. 书中介绍的一种“高烈度混合剂”叫做VeninumLupinum,它的组成成分包括乌头毒草,紫杉,生石灰,苦杏仁以及混合蜂蜜的玻璃粉。

    One'very strong mixture'used in the book is the Veninum Lupinum , which consists of a mix of aconite , taxus baccata , caustic lime , arsenic , bitter almonds and powdered glass mixed with honey .

  25. 湘钢烧结厂使用生石灰的试验研究与实践

    Study and operation practice of proportioning burnt lime in sintering production

  26. 改善烧结用生石灰质量的冶金效益分析评价

    Metallurgical benefit analysis and appraise about improving lime quality in sinter

  27. 生石灰桩加固软弱土地基的计算

    Calculation theory of the lime columns for stabilizing soft soil foundation

  28. 芒硝、硝酸铵、生石灰制备硝酸钠的工艺研究

    Preparing sodium nitrate from sodium sulfate ammonium nitrate and quick lime

  29. 中温烟气生石灰脱硫模型

    Model for Sulphur Absorption of Middle Temperature Flue Gas with Lime

  30. 干法脱硫用生石灰活性测定方法

    Active Determination Method of Quick Lime Used in Dry Process Desulfurization