- 名biomass

A preliminary study on NOAA images for the estimation of pasture biomass
Study on effect of algae biomass on POPs in Taihu Lake by using multimedia environmental model
Impact of O_3 and CO_2 concentration doubling on the soybean leaf development and biomass
When the value of pH is 6-7 , the biology quantity will not be effected .
Influence of Doubled CO 2 on plant growth and soil microbial biomass C and n
Effect of CO_2 Fertilization and Zn Treatment on the Biomass and Zn Accumulation of Mustard
There was not significant influence of N levels on the allocation of biomass , C and N in rice organs .
The biomass of C_3 and C_ 4 plant function groups in Leymus chinensis communities and theirs response to environmental change along Northeast China transect
Under the optimal fermentation condition we got the variation curves of mycelia biomass , pH value , extracellular polysaccharide and endocellular polysaccharide content .
Carbon dynamics of the grass , fern and shrub communities in Hong Kong were studied based on the estimation of their biomass and net primary production ( NPP ) .
Effects of cadmium with different concentrations on the growth and activated oxygen-scavenging system of flue-cured tobacco were studied with water culture experiment .
Growth curve of hypha and pH curve of fluid medium of strain M_1in liquid culture was studied also .
Drought stress caused water deficiency of J. curcas seedlings , decreased photosynthetic and nutrient uptake efficiency , therefore inhibited the growth , biomass accumulation , C , N and P accumulation of seedlings .
And the microalgae density , biomass in every pond basically all showed significant positive correlation with TN and TP .
The resistant microbial biomass is strongly affected by environmental temperature , its resistance to heavy metals is Pb > Cd and mould > saccharomycete > bacteria .
The biomass and the nitrate content of rape was decreased by applying M_2 and M_3 with low dose of nitrogen fertilizer .
With the process of the sandy desertification , the coverage , density , number of species , biomass and diversity index of community decreased . The ratio of biomass aboveground - biomass underground did not changed significantly .
In addition , the interaction of CO2 concentration and nitrogen application had significant positive effects on grain yield and biomass , while no effects on grain qualities .
As to root biomass , wild was the lowest , Zomba from Malawi the highest .
On the contrary , Cd toxicity was reduced as a result of addition of humic acid , and the concentration of chlorophyll in ryegrass shoots and the biomass of ryegrass increased consequently .
The existing accumulating of Cu , Zn , Mn , Pb and Cd in the biomass of the community are 27.18 , 49.83 , 1687.26 , 35.67 and 1.18mg/m 2 respectively .
Biomass and carbon pool of Larix gmelini young and middle age forest in Xing ′ an Mountains Inner Mongolia
The addition of Cd , Pb , and Zn in the form of acetate salts demonstrated a considerably greater biocidal effect on soil microbial biomass , because of higher solubility of acetate salts .
The changes of soil organic matter , humic acid , total amount of microbe , microbial biomass C , activity of urease and phosphatase reflected mainly the evolution of soil biological fertility .
This indicates that the fine roots of P. miliaceum responded to difference in nutrient supply by plasticity in their length and surface area , rather than in their root biomass .
Growth characters of Ganoderma MP-01 in three fermenting liquor were investigated , especially focusing on pH variance , polysaccharide content , mycelial biomass .
A4 A3 ( 2 ) Throughout the study period , microbial biomass carbon ( MBC ) of the 3 kinds of litters in the growing season was significantly higher than non-growing season .
Therefore , the study decided to employ the enhanced B-P Nerve Network to construct a forest biomass modeling system .
The quantities of N and P , returning to the ground with withering in different ecologic zones , reach 149.4 t and 18.2 t from January to April , and the biogeochemistry cycle and ecological environment of the tidal flat can be seriously affected .
The mean plant height of the recurrent selection strains was about 20 cm shorter than that of their original parents .