
  • 网络Bioaccumulation
  1. 这些农药具有毒性以及生物累积性,通过生物链传递最终严重危害人类健康。

    They possess high toxic and bioaccumulation ; which are eventually hazardous to human health through the food chains .

  2. 氯苯类有机物在环境中广泛存在,由于其具有不同程度的毒性,生物累积性和持久性,对环境和人畜健康具有潜在危害。

    Chlorobenzene is existed in environment , is one kind of pollution with more toxicity and bioaccumulation and persistence , had more harmful to the health of people and livestock .

  3. 目前有关持久性生物累积性有毒污染物(PBT)对生物体的毒性作用及机理是人们关心的重要课题。

    Studies on Environmental Toxicology recently focus on the toxic function and mechanism of persistent bioaccumulative toxic pollutants ( PBT ) on organism .

  4. POPs具有环境持久性、生物累积性、半挥发性和高毒性的特点,是对人类健康及环境造成有害影响的化学物质。

    With the characteristics of environmental persistence , bioaccumulation , semi-volatility and high toxicity , POPs are harmful chemicals to human health and environment .

  5. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)由于其具有长期残留性、生物累积性、半挥发性和高毒性等特性,已经成为最受关注的环境污染物之一。

    Because of the characteristic of long-term residual , bioaccumulative , semi-volatile and highly toxic properties , persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) has become one of the most controversial environmental pollutants .

  6. 持久性生物累积性有毒污染物与国际相关控制策略和行动

    Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Pollutants & Related International Policies and Activities

  7. 汞因其具有持久性、生物累积性和神经毒害作用,目前已经引起了较为广泛的关注。

    Mercury , due to its persistence , bio-accumulation and neurological toxicity , has received tremendous attentions .

  8. 在各种污染物中,由于有机污染物具有毒性大、难降解且具有生物累积性等特点,危害最为严重,是重点关注对象。

    Organic pollutants attracted the most serious primary focus due to its high toxicity , hard degradable and bioaccumulative .

  9. 汞由于其持久性强、易于挥发且具有生物累积性,已经成为污染防治的重点。

    Due to strong persistence , volatility and bio-accumulation , mercury has become the focus of pollution prevention and control .

  10. 二恶英(PCDD/Fs)是一类具有半挥发性、生物累积性、持久性和毒性的污染物。

    Dioxins ( PCDD / Fs ) are a common name of a group of pollutants that are semi-volatile , bioaccumulative , persistent and toxic .

  11. 重金属由于生物累积性强、环境危害性大,成为当今研究的热点问题之一。

    Due to a strong bioaccumulation effect , the heavy metals are very harmful to the environment , which is one of the hot research issues .

  12. 但痕量不意味着污染性小,这些有机污染物有较强的生物累积性,会一点点的侵蚀海洋环境和人体健康。

    Trace-level do not mean small capability to contaminate . These organic pollutants mostly have strong bioaccumulation . Ocean environment and human health are invaded step by step .

  13. 有毒有机污染物虽然在水中含量甚微,却因其生物累积性和三致效应而对人体健康构成潜在威胁。

    Though the toxic organic pollutants are trace quantity in aquatic system , they cause potential hazardous effects on human health because of their high degree of biocumulatiori and carcinogenic .

  14. 因此,在浓度很低的情况下就能引起上述海洋生物累积性中毒或引起可怕的生殖逆向性变化。

    Therefore , the organotin compounds can cause the accumulation poison to halobios mentioned above or the terrible reversible change of procreation even at very low concentration of TBT and TPT .

  15. 随着有机工业的迅速发展,越来越多的难自然降解的具有持久生物累积性的毒性物质未得到有效控制即进入水体,造成其严重污染。

    With the rapid development of organic industry , more and more hardly-naturally-degraded persistent bioaccumulative toxic pollutants have been released into the natural waters directly without any effective control , which leads to a highly-polluted water environment around the world .

  16. 汞的污染由于其易挥发、易生物累积且持久性强等特点而日益成为大气污染治理领域的研究重点。

    Mercury pollution has become one of the major environmental issues in the air pollution control because of its volatility , persistence , and bioaccumulation .

  17. PCBs为半挥发性的有机氯化合物,具有持久性、生物毒性、生物累积性等特性。

    PCBs are semi-volatile organochlorine compounds with persistence , toxicities and bio-accumulative properties .