
shēnɡ wù wǔ qì
  • biological weapon;bio-weapon;bacteriological weapon
  1. 保罗•莱特福特,AL数码媒体有许多关于“脏弹”以及化学和生物武器袭击的报告,而碉堡是受到保护的。

    PAUL LIGHTFOOT , A.L. DIGITAL There has been a lot in the media about dirty bombs , chemical and biological attacks , and the bunker is protected .

  2. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的分子生物学家与生物武器专家理查德·H·埃布赖特(RichardH.Ebright)说:他们以前不吸取教训,现在也没有,似乎就是无法得到教训。

    Richard H. Ebright , a molecular biologist at Rutgers University and an expert on biological weapons , said : They did not learn . They do not learn . They seem incapable of learning .

  3. 去年,国家情报总监詹姆斯?克拉珀(JamesClapper)把旨在制造新生物武器的基因编辑列入国家最大安全威胁。

    Last year , James Clapper , director of national intelligence , included gene editing aimed at producing new biological weapons as among the nation 's top security threats .

  4. 他们要它只是为了生物武器部好不好?

    They just want it for their bio-weapons division , ok ?

  5. 个性化的癌症疗法正是个性化的生物武器的另一面,

    Personalized cancer treatments are the flip side of personalized bioweapons ,

  6. 即便如此,生物武器的性能也难以预料,因此难于控制。

    Even then , they are unpredictable-and therefore difficult to control .

  7. 朝鲜战争中美国使用生物武器新说

    New View on the USA Using Biological Arms in Korean War

  8. 微生物入侵种和防范生物武器研究现状与对策

    Current Status of Bio-weapons Control and Research on Invasive Microbes in China

  9. 研制生物武器需要深谙此道的科学家,使用最先进的装置。

    Biological weapons require skilled scientists working in state-of-the-art facilities .

  10. 该公约禁止储存生物武器。

    The convention bans the stockpiling of biological weapons .

  11. 禁止发展、生产和贮存生物武器的大会。

    A convertion banning the development , production and stockpiling of biological weapons .

  12. 1985年,她被任命为一个小型生物武器研究班子的负责人。

    In1985 she was appointed head of a small biological weapons research team .

  13. 生物武器可以让数百万人感染致命疾病。

    A biological weapon could infect millions of people with a deadly disease .

  14. 超级大国在储备细菌武器和生物武器。

    The superpowers are stockpiling bacteriological and biological weapons .

  15. 这是专供逼近的生物武器和大灭绝之用。

    It was reserved for imminent threat from biological weapons of mass destruction .

  16. 在你们总部里有一个被伪装成硬盘的生物武器

    There is a bio-weapon disguised as a hard drive on your campus .

  17. 生物武器的袭击,造成的直接后果就是传染病的暴发流行。

    Attack by biological weapon can directly lead to an outbreak of infectious disease .

  18. 核、化学、生物武器防护

    Defence against nuclear , chemical and biological weapons

  19. 生物武器发展的历史沿革、生物剂特性等知识和背景;

    Knowledge and background about history of bio-weapons , characteristics of biological agents , etc.

  20. 一些专家对用来杀死特定人群、甚至个人的生物武器发出了警告。

    Some experts warn of bioweapons engineered to kill specific populations or even individuals .

  21. 在对以前的不明疾病或者生物武器的确定中,这种方法也是十分有效的。

    It could also prove useful for identifying previously unknown illnesses or biological weapons .

  22. 然而,同样的数据集也可以用于研发生物武器。

    The same data sets can , however , be used to develop bioweapons .

  23. 化学和生物武器工作组;

    Chemical and biological weapons working group ;

  24. 生物武器几乎到处都可以制造,从政府实验室,到郊区的厨房。

    Biological weapons can be produced nearly anywhere , from government labs to suburban kitchens .

  25. 如果生物武器看来可怕而难以估算的话,化学武器同样令人不寒而栗。

    If biological weapons seem too terrible to contemplate , chemical weapons are equally chilling .

  26. 然而,伴随着生物武器的使用,鼠疫爆发流行却是个并非遥远的威胁。

    However , plague outbreaks following use of a biological weapon are a plausible threat .

  27. 我们的子女将安然入睡,不用担心核武器、化学武器或生物武器。

    Our children will sleep free from the threat of nuclear , chemical or biological weapons .

  28. 这个东西可以用来设计生物武器。

    The thing can design bioweapons .

  29. 为了牢牢抑制住自己的竞争对手,微生物们分泌出了生物武器:抗生素。

    Trying to keep one another in check , the microbes secrete biological weapons : antibiotics .

  30. 发现伊拉克在制造生物武器化去武器检查人员四年的时间。

    It took the inspectors four years to find out that Iraq was making biological agents .