
  1. 介绍了生物技术应用于乳业的最新进展,包括采用BST(牛生长激素)来提高乳牛的产奶量和利用生物技术来增强乳的免疫功能及免疫乳的生产;

    Up-to-date of biotechnique in dairy industry , including the use of BST to increase the milk production and improve the immunity of milk were introduced .

  2. 现代农业生物技术应用影响研究综述

    The Impact of Application of Modern Biological Agro - technology

  3. 菌根生物技术应用现状与研究进展

    The present application situation and research progress of the biological technology of mycorrhiza

  4. 加速我国农业生物技术应用研究与产业化的几点思考

    Consideration About Accelerating Agricultural Biotechnology Application Research and Industrialization

  5. 粮农组织/原子能机构核能和生物技术应用于粮食和农业联合司

    Joint FAO / IAEA Division of Nuclear and Biotechnology Applications in Food and Agriculture

  6. 哺乳动物胚胎生物技术应用中线粒体的命运

    The Mitochondria Fate in Mammalian Embryo - Biotechnology

  7. 生物技术应用于乳业的最新进展

    Up-to - date of Biotechnique in Dairy Industry

  8. 现代生物技术应用展望

    Prospects for Application of Modern Biological Technology

  9. 生物技术应用规则的思考

    Thinking About Rules for Biotechnological Applications

  10. 生物技术应用的进展与前景(Ⅰ)

    Progress and Future of Biotechnique (ⅰ)

  11. 对白藜芦醇的生物合成、代谢机制以及白藜芦醇的生物技术应用研究等方面进行了综述。

    The paper reviews the research progress in its biosynthesis and metabolic mechanism , and its application .

  12. 加强生物技术应用;

    The application of biotechnology ;

  13. 生物技术应用于原料制浆可减少能源消耗,降低纸浆硬度,改善纸浆的性能。

    The biotechnology could make energy fall and reduce pulp rigidity to improve the capability of the pulp .

  14. 同时,复合好氧生物技术应用于难降解印染废水的处理也达到良好的处理效果。

    Meanwhile , used hybrid aerobic bio-reactor has a good treating effect on difficultly biodegradable dyeing wastewater treatment .

  15. 通过化学诱导剂作用于启动子的条件性基因表达是分子生物学和生物技术应用研究中的强有力的手段。

    Promoters responding to chemical inducers will be powerful tools for basic research in molecular biology and biotechnological applications .

  16. 生物技术应用于药物研究和开发领域可以大量获得生物活性物质、半合成药物等;

    Biotchnology is widely used inthe study and development of medicine to obtain plenty of bioactive substances and semisynthesized drugs .

  17. 印度的自然资源和智力资源都很丰富,而且在生物技术应用领域已经取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    India is rich in natural and intellectual resources , and has made significant achievements in the application of biotechnology .

  18. 利用植物组织培养技术快速育苗是一个新兴的生物技术应用领域。

    It is a burgeoning application field for the biotechnology that to apply the technique of plant tissue culture breed seedling .

  19. 离体培养、基因工程与分子标记分析等生物技术应用于西瓜性状遗传改良研究取得重要进展。

    The great advances of application of biotechnology including in vitro culture , genetic engineering and molecular markers analysis in watermelon have been made in recent years .

  20. 此基金会的目的在于保证政府的、学术的和国际研究机构的研究人员参与到未来有关生物技术应用的讨论中来。

    The foundation aims to ensure that researchers involved in governmental , academic and international research institutes take part in future discussions of the uses of biotechnology .

  21. 过去的50年中,β-内酰胺类抗生素的工业发酵生产成为生物技术应用最成功的范例。

    The industrial production of p-lactam antibiotics by fermentation over the past 50 years is one of the outstanding examples for the application of biotechnology in fermentation industry .

  22. 本文综述了近5年来国际球根花卉在遗传育种、组织培养、栽培生理和生物技术应用等领域的最新研究进展。

    The advance in researching flower bulbs in the world in the past five years is reviewed in terms of breeding , tissue culture , physiological mechanism and biotechnological application .

  23. 将现代生物技术应用于临床诊断,旨在建立灵敏,快速,方便,面向基层和偏远地区实验室的艾滋病抗体检测试剂。

    Make modern biotechnology applied to clinical diagnosis , in order to make sensitive , rapid , convenient , AIDS antibody detection agent facing Laboratory of sub base and remote area .

  24. 本文综述了生物技术应用于烟草陈化发酵、改善原料、处理烟梗与烟草薄片、生产烟用香精及生物滤棒等方面的研究进展。

    The applications of biotechnologies in tobacco fermentation , improvement of tobacco quality , treatment of tobacco pipe and slice , tobacco essence production and bio-filters are reviewed in this paper .

  25. 概述了福建省白肉枇杷选育种方面的研究进展,包括枇杷的选种、引种、生物技术应用探索,并就今后白肉枇杷选育种的研究进行探讨。

    By reviewing the research development of the cultivar selection of the white pulp loquat in Fujian , including the selection , introducing , breeding , this paper makes a probe into the research of this issue in the future .

  26. 国际上,农业发展的主要趋势是持续农业,生物技术应用,计算机与信息技术应用,各种农业学科与区域发展理论方法的大综合。

    The main trends of agricultural development can , from international setting , be enumerated as the concept of sustainable agriculture in practice ; increasing applications of biotechnology , computer and information technology ; theories and methods of regional development integrated with agricultural disciplines .

  27. EM生物技术及应用

    Biological Technology of Em and its Application

  28. 寻根聚类法EM生物技术及应用

    Root searching cluster technique and its application

  29. 掺杂Mn离子的量子点处于近红外波段,更使其为今后的生物检测技术应用奠定了良好的基础。

    Doped Mn ions of quantum dots in the near infrared band , which lies a good foundation for future biological detection technology .

  30. 生物酸化技术应用于啤酒生产可降低糖化醪pH值,实现对麦芽、糖化醪和麦芽汁的酸化,生物酸化可增加酶活。

    The application of biological acidification in beer brewing could effectively reduce pH value of saccharifying mash , achieve the acidification of malt , saccharifying mash , and wort , and increase enzyme activities .