
shēnɡ wù fēn lí
  • bioseparation
  1. 反胶束体系在酶法测定和生物分离中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Reversed Micelles System in Enzymatic Determination and Bioseparation

  2. 智能聚合物在生物分离工程中的应用现状与展望

    Prospects for Smart Polymers in the Bioseparation Engineering

  3. 特异配位体在亲和生物分离中的应用进展

    Recent Developments in the Application of Specific Ligands to Affinity Bioseparations

  4. 深海底栖生物分离系统流道参数优化

    Optimized Flow Pipe 's Parameters for Benthic Meiobenthos Separation System

  5. 深海底栖生物分离装置机电系统研究

    Mechanic System Design of Benthic Meiobenthos Separate Device

  6. 国产单分散聚苯乙烯微球用于生物分离的研究

    Research on Bio-separation by Domestic Monodisperse Polystyrene Microspheres

  7. 新型绿色分离体系&离子液体双水相及其在生物分离中的应用

    Aqueous Two - phase System Based or Ionic Liquids and Their Applications in Bioseparation

  8. 生物分离技术与过程研究进展

    Recent Developments in Bioseparation Techniques and Processings

  9. 分子识别和生物分离研究的现状及发展趋势

    Current trends in molecular recognition and bioseparation

  10. 超滤作为一种绿色高效的新型分离技术,在生物分离领域具有重要应用前景。

    As a green and energy-efficient separation technology , ultrafiltration has been widely applied in bioseparation .

  11. 虎红光谱特性及其在小型底栖生物分离系统中的应用

    Fluorescence Spectra Characteristic of Rose Bengal and Application in the Automatic Separating System of the Marine Meiobenthos

  12. 深海小型底栖生物分离装置的研究将对深海生物学的研究和深海环境评价有较大的推动作用。

    Benthic meiobenthos is one of the most important community , which can affect our opinion about deep-sea environment .

  13. 磁微球是以金属或金属氧化物为核,外面包被带有活性基团物质的一种新型生物分离材料。

    Magnetic microsphere comprises a magnetically responsive metal or metal oxide core surrounded by a polymer shell with active groups .

  14. 介绍了激光诱导荧光检测技术在小型底栖生物分离系统的应用。

    Data from this work is to give literature support to the automatic separating system for marine meiobenthos using laser induced fluorescence technology .

  15. 在生物分离等领域目前需要制备大粒径(指微球粒径大于1μm)、单分散的磁性聚合物微球。

    It needs magnetic polymer microspheres with large particle size ( > 1 μ m ) and monodispersity in area such as biological separation .

  16. 该方法具有环境友好、集成化等特点,符合生物分离技术的发展趋势,具有潜在的实用价值。

    The process is in accord with development of bioseparation by its characteristic of environment friendly and integration , and enjoys the value of potential application .

  17. 电解质溶液广泛存在于天然气净化、废水处理、加盐精馏、生物分离工程和湿法冶金等化工领域中。

    Aqueous electrolyte solution exists in natural gas purification , wastewater treatment , salt distillation , biological engineering and hydrometallurgical separation and other chemical industries widely .

  18. 在药理活性研究中,化合物1-7在不同的药理模型中显示了不同程度的抗氧化活性。应用生物分离胶束和胶束电色谱技术

    And compounds 1 - 7 showed different anti-oxidation activities in the different pharmacological models . Applying BMC and MECC Approach for Establishing the Antihypertensive Drugs Pharmacological Models

  19. 作为一种绿色高效的新型分离技术,超滤在生物分离领域具有广阔前景。目前,膜污染依然是制约超滤应用效率的瓶颈。

    As a green and energy-efficient separation technology , ultrafiltration exhibits a vast prospect of application in bioseparation , while membrane fouling still constitutes a bottleneck of its development .

  20. 在蛋白质(牛血清白蛋白)-水胶体溶液中加入无机盐,利用蛋白质盐析的原理粗分离蛋白质是常用的生物分离技术。

    It is an ordinary separation technology using the salting-out method for separating proteins from aqueous solution , such as separating protein from the bovine serum albumin-water sol solution .

  21. 超滤是一种新型生物分离技术,具有操作简单、易于放大等优点,在生物大分子的规模化制备方面具有广阔的潜在应用。

    Ultrafiltration is a novel bioseparation technology , with advantages of simple operation , easy scale-up and so on . It has a huge potential for large-scale production of biomacromolecules .

  22. 磁性高分子微球是一种兼具磁性材料、高分子材料的功能性材料,其在肿瘤靶向治疗、生物分离,磁共振成像等生物医学领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Magnetic polymer microspheres are a kind of novel functional materials , which exhibit excellent applications in biomedical fields including tumor target therapy , bioseparation , magnetic resonance imaging and so on .

  23. 介绍了纳米管的几种主要制备方法、形成机理及特点,就其在生物分离、生物催化、生物传感和生物医学等领域的研究进展进行了综述。

    The main preparation methods , formation mechanisms and characteristics of nanotubes are outlined , and the research progress of nanotubes in bio-separation , bio-catalysis , bio-sensor and bio-medical engineering is briefly reviewed .

  24. 液相层析技术是生物分离过程中的一个重要单元,具有分辨率高、操作设备简单和有利于保持生物大分子的活性等优点,是一种最有效、最普遍采用的生物分离方式之一。

    Liquid chromatography , as an important unit in bioseparation process , is the most effective and widely used technology with the advantages of high resolution , simple operating equipment and high bioactivity preservation .

  25. 因此磁性纳米颗粒在食品分析、生物分离和环境监测等领域具有广阔的应用前景。将磁性纳米颗粒与传统的检测方法相结合,可以优化样品前处理、改善其灵敏性和提高分析效率。

    Consequently , magnetic nanoparticles have been found wide potential applications in food analysis , bioseparation and environmental monitoring , etc. Sample preparation would be optimized by the combination with the magnetic nanoparticles and traditional detection methods as well as the improvement of sensitivity and analysis efficiency .

  26. 提高生物法分离制革污泥中铬分离效率的研究

    Study on enhancing chromium separation efficiency from tannery sludge by bioleaching

  27. 结论:基于生物膜分离技术的离心过滤法可制备出外切体。

    CONCLUSION : Exosomes can be obtained by the centrifugal filtering method .

  28. 现代生物工程分离提取技术在海洋生物资源开发上的应用

    The Application of Modern Separation Biotechnology on the Development of Marine Resource

  29. 栉孔扇贝体内类支原体样生物的分离纯化

    Purification mycoplasma-like organism of scallop , Chlamys farreri in China

  30. 应用生物技术分离纯化类凝血酶

    Isolation and purification of thrombin - like enzyme by biotechnology