
  1. MYB转录因子参与调控苯丙烷类次生代谢途径和应答生物与非生物胁迫等,是植物中最大的转录因子家族之一。

    As one of the largest plant transcription factor families , MYB transcription factors play important roles in regulation of phenylpropanoid pathway and response of biotic and abiotic stresses .

  2. 其产量极易受到生物与非生物侵害的影响。

    The crop is seriously affected by various biotic and abiotic stresses .

  3. 生物与非生物性腱鞘代用品预防屈肌腱粘连作用效果比较的实验研究

    A Comparative Study of Biological and Nonbiological Sheath Substitute in Prevention of Flexor Tendon Adhesions

  4. 植物在应对外界生物与非生物胁迫过程中获得了一系列复杂的植物防卫反应机制。

    Plants have evolved excellent defense mechanisms to protect themselves from biotic and abiotic stresses .

  5. 计算机硬件与人脑有着生物与非生物的本质区别。

    The computer hardware and the human brain have the essence difference of biology and non-biology .

  6. 但是,油菜生产一直受到各种生物与非生物的胁迫。

    However , the cultivation of B. napus has been always affected by various biotic and abiotic stresses .

  7. 凡影响土壤总呼吸的生物与非生物因子都会直接或间接地影响根呼吸与土壤微生物呼吸。

    Biotic and abiotic factors influencing soil respiration were found to affect both root / rhizosphere and microbial respirations .

  8. 有些研究表明,生物与非生物存在明显的边缘-核心的变化梯度,而有些则没有。

    Some research results show significant gradient trends from the edge to the core of fragmentation , while others do not .

  9. 玉米产量受各种生物与非生物胁迫的制约,并且与穗部和籽粒性状紧密相关。

    The maize production is affected by various biotic and abiotic stress , and is closely related with the ear and kernel traits .

  10. 蛋白激酶在植物生长、激素调节和生物与非生物逆境胁迫反应中起着重要的作用。

    Protein kinases play important roles in plant growth and development , hormone response as well as in response to abiotic and biotic stress .

  11. 本文对北京东灵山地区的辽东栎林主要优势乔木物种的幼苗库结构与动态进行了研究,同时考察了多个生物与非生物环境因子对于幼苗库的影响。

    In this paper , seedling bank structure and dynamics of the main dominant tree species in Beijing Dongling oak forest has been studied .

  12. 作物基因表达一方面受到遗传基因的控制,另一方面,环境中的生物与非生物因素对基因表达也起到重要的调节作用。

    Heredity is controlled by genes , but their expression is turned on and off throughout life depending upon biotic and abiotic factors in environment .

  13. 它们是队列、整体、战场、秩序,它们是祭坛,是生物与非生物的轮回,它们是寂静中的死与生。

    They symbolize a sequence , a battlefield , an order , an altar , transmigration of living and non-living beings , or life and death in dumb silence .

  14. 盖亚假说:将生物与非生物的部分视为复杂互动系统的地球模型,想象成单一生物。

    Gaia hypothesis : Model of the Earth in which its living and nonliving parts are viewed as a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism .

  15. 这些机制包括:个体发育、生理、行为和遗传过程对生物与非生物环境的反应及这些过程对自身所在的种群、群落和栖息地的影响;

    The mechanisms include : responses of ontogenetic physiological , behavioral , and genetic processes to the abiotic and biotic environmental variables and variability , and the overall consequences of these responses from individual organisms on the population , community and habitat that they belong to ;

  16. 结论:原始意识的存在是区别原始生物与非生物的根本标志,原始意识的诞生标志着生命的真正起源,生物进化是物质、意识的双轨制进化。

    Conclusions : Original consciousness is the essential mark that distinguishes primary living beings with non_living beings . The birth of original consciousness is the real origin of living beings . The evolution of organism is the double processes with matter and consciousness at the same time .

  17. 分析了各描述符标准的层次结构特征、生物胁迫与非生物胁迫评价内容以及描述符编码方式;

    Their frameworks , evaluation of biologic and non-biologic stress , and coding methods were analyzed .

  18. 大致可分为生物因素与非生物因素:非生物的因素有夏季水温过高、养殖密度过高、养殖环境退化等。

    The non-biological factors include too high summer temperature , high stocking density , environmental degradation , and so on .

  19. 烃类的有机(生物)与无机(非生物)来源&油气成因理论思考之二

    The Organic ( Biogenic ) and Inorganic ( Non-Biogenic ) Sources of Hydrocarbons & Thought on Theory of Oil and Gas Formation

  20. 生物之间、生物与非生物之间究竟应该是怎样的关系?人类究竟应该怎样对待自身以外的其他生物和自然环境?这些是生态学需要解决的基本问题。

    What is the relationship between life and its environment ? How should human treat other species and the ecology ? Those are among fundamental questions requiring urgent answers from the study of ecology .