
  • 网络Biodiversity;ecological diversity;ecosystem diversity
  1. 不丹主要的研究中心还收集了大量各种各样的数据来衡量国民幸福总值GNH,其中包括心理上的良好感觉、良好的管理、生态多样性和生活水准。

    Bhutan 's main research center collects a wide variety of data to measure this , including things like psychological well being , good governance , ecological diversity and living standards .

  2. 山西省虫生真菌生态多样性研究

    Ecological diversity of entomogenous fungi of three nature reserves in Shanxi Province

  3. 哥斯达黎加有人均11600美元的GDP,但综合排在第五位因为他保护他的森林和丰富的生态多样性,这两点也是他生态旅游的要点。

    Costa Rica has a per-capita gross domestic product of $ 11,600 , but ranks fifth overall as it protects its forests and rich biodiversity , both lures for ecotourists .

  4. 生态多样性原理在优化农田生态环境中的应用

    The Use of Principle of Ecological Diversity in Improving Farmland Ecological Environment

  5. 区域高等教育生态多样性:内涵与发展策略

    Connotation and paths of development of Ecological Diversity of Regional Higher Education

  6. 黑龙江省自然地理气候独特,地貌复杂,硅藻种类丰富,是进行藻类生态多样性研究的理想区域。

    Heilongjiang Province is an important region for the algae ecological diversity studying .

  7. 生物学课上,教授正教我们关于生态多样性的知识。

    In biology class , our professor is teaching us about ecological diversity .

  8. 中国西部地区遥感数据生态多样性多尺度模拟

    Multi-scale Simulation of Ecological Diversity in Western China Based on Remotely Sensed Database

  9. 粘细菌生态多样性的初步研究

    A preliminary study on ecological diversity of myxobacteria

  10. 湿地的三大功能是:防洪、净化水质和保持生态多样性。

    Three key functions of wetlands include flood control , water quality improvement and ecological diversity .

  11. 生态多样性模型的理论分析及应用:以新疆维吾尔自治区阜康地区为例

    Theoretical analysis of ecological diversity models and their application in Fukang of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

  12. 云南省的森林生物多样性表现为生态多样性、物种多样性、遗传基因多样性。

    The biodiversity of forests in Yunnan province includes ecological diversity , species diversity and genetic diversity .

  13. 绿色党团的环保主张主要体现在保持生态多样性,绿化欧洲经济等方面。

    The opinions on environment protection aim at to keep the biodiversity and green the Europe economy .

  14. 一方面,文化多元性是人们在生态多样性的环境下适应性反应的产物;

    On the one hand , cultural diversity is the product of human adaptation to the ecological diversity .

  15. 生态多样性与文化多样性之间的密切关联是云南民族文化的一个显著特征。

    Ecological diversity is closely connected with cultural diversity , which is one of the main traits of Yunnan national culture .

  16. 象山港电厂临近海域海洋微生物的分子生态多样性研究

    Research on the Diversity of the Marine Microbial Molecular Ecology in the Sea Area Near the Power Plant of Xiangshan Bay

  17. 有毒植物是天然草地生态多样性的重要组成部分,维持着特定草地环境的生态平衡。

    Poisonous plants are an important part of the grass in natural grassland ecosystem diversity , maintain the balance of ecological environment .

  18. 黄河兰州段重金属和多环芳烃污染对土壤线虫生态多样性影响的研究

    Diversity of Soil Nematodes with Yellow River Areas Polluted by Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in Lanzhou , China

  19. 本文对长白山区黏菌的物种多样性、区系多样性、群落多样性与生态多样性进行了系统的研究。

    Species diversity , flora diversity , community diversity and ecological diversity of myxomycetes from the Changbai mountains were studied systematically in this paper .

  20. 综合性状的多样性及其分布中心相对集中以滇西南最大,生态多样性起了决定性作用;

    Diversity and distribution centre of synthetic characters is relatively concentrated in the Southwestern of Yunnan . Here , ecological diversity plays an important role ;

  21. 大庆地区荒漠化植物以多年生草本为主体,而且主要是沙生植物和耐盐碱性植物而具有一定的生态多样性和物种多样性;

    ( 3 ) Most of the desertification plants are perennial herbs , which are made up of psammophytes and xerophytes with zoology and species diversity .

  22. 发现该地区南方红豆杉的处境令人担心,当地居民忽视了生态多样性地区的重要程度,南方红豆杉的生存环境正逐渐受到威胁与破坏。

    Local people ignored the importance of ecological diversity regions , so the living environment of Taxus chinensis var. mairei has been threaten and destroyed gradually .

  23. 微生物的生态多样性在各种生态系统的功能和持续都起着综合的和独特的作用,如它对持续农业系统的作用为许多近期研究所证实。

    Microbial diversity plays an integral and unique role in variety of ecosystem , for example , this has been proven in agricultural ecosystem by many recent research .

  24. 湖泊水域的减少加剧了水质污染,对生态多样性造成重大危害,并带来小气候的恶化。

    The decrease of the lake water turned worse the fluid matter contaminative , result in the important bane to ecosystem variety , and bring the partial climatic depravation .

  25. 为此他们依地形精心建造了一个新的基础设施,并种植许多野生植物和乡土树种,这样能提升该地的生态多样性。

    To do this they carefully planned a new infrastructure across the landscape and planted many wild plants and native trees in order to raise the biodiversity in the region .

  26. 它包括应对全球变暖(人们认为缘自于二氧化碳的过度排放),以及保持生态多样性。

    It involves the efforts to deal with global warming , which is believed to have resulted from the exhaust of excessive carbon dioxide , and to maintain ecological diversity .

  27. 从古典艺术精神中衍生出来的经典文艺理论以研究对象的文本中心倾向和理论的普适性为基本特征,因而遮蔽了对文艺生态多样性的认识。

    The classical literary theories that are derived from the classical artistic spirit are characterized by text-centered object of study and the universalization of theories , thus effacing the versatility of literary ecology .

  28. 因此,维护生态多样性、尊重文化多样性是民族山区矿产资源开发与利用中应遵循的基本原则,也是提高矿产资源利用效率的有效路径。

    Therefore , keeping the diversity of ecology and culture , which is the basic principle during exploitation of mineral resources in ethnic mountainous regions and is an efficient way to improve resources utilization .

  29. 在自然环境中,野生麇鹿种群在行为生态多样性较自然保护区内的麇鹿种群丰富,表现出许多自然保护区内种群所未能表达的行为空间。

    Under the natural environment , the ecological variety of the behavior of wild David 's deer is more abundant than the population in the nature reserve , and it demonstrates the behavior space that the population fails to express in the nature reserves .

  30. 直接将霉菌R.流域生态学:水生态系统多样性研究和保护的一个新途径

    The whole cells of R. Watershed Ecology