
  • 网络What is life;What is the life
  1. 生命是什么:一个基于新物理学原理的回答

    What is Life : an answer based on the new physical principle

  2. 生命是什么?是欢乐,是领悟,是心灵深处的音乐。

    What is life ? It is joy , awareness , And the music within .

  3. 有人强迫进入你的生命是什么感觉?

    How 's it feel to have someone just force themselves into your life ?

  4. 生命是什么?

    Life ... What is it ?

  5. 你们的生命是什么呢?

    What is your life ?

  6. 我不敢说生命是什么,我只能说生命像什么。

    I wouldn 't dare to define what life is , but can tell what it is like .

  7. 这是我最没有吸引力的特征,这种对难看人的偏见,建立在一个十分错误的观点上&对于寻常人来说生命是什么。

    It is my least attractive feature , this prejudice against the unsightly , and it is based on a very wrong notion of what life is like for normal people .

  8. 生命是什么?它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里,飘融在轻柔无语的冬雪中,撒落在阵阵春雨里,交织在绚丽夏日中。

    Life * What is it ? See it in the colors of autumn , A gentle snowfall in winter , A sudden shower in spring , The radiance of a summer day .

  9. 雅四14其实明天的事你们并不知道。你们的生命是什么?你们原是一团雾气,出现少时,随后就不见了。

    14 whereas you do not know the matter of tomorrow , what your life will be ; for you are a vapor , which appears for a little while and then disappears .

  10. 在都柏林,薛定谔正在进行着题为《生命是什么》的演讲,其中提到,分子的模式承载了生命组织所需的信息。

    In Dublin , Schrodinger was lecturing under the title ' What is Life ? ' , and advancing the conjecture that the information defining a living organism must somehow be encoded in molecular patterns .

  11. 你说你生命完了是什么意思?

    What do you mean your life is over ?

  12. 这些服务的生命周期是什么样的呢?

    What about the lifecycle of these services ?

  13. 和得梅因相比,布鲁克林门框里的小生命会是什么样呢?

    What 's the tiny life like on a door frame in Brooklyn compared with that in Des Moines ?

  14. 对奥兰朵而言,“生命”是什么?与叙事者陈述的“生命”有何不同?

    What does " life " mean to Orlando and how does that differ from what the narrator portrays as " life "?

  15. 这就意味着每10个决定你的生命会是什么样的的经历与“原来如此!”时刻中,有8个发生在三十岁中旬。

    That means that eight out of 10 of the decisions and experiences and " Aha ! " moments that make your life what it is will have happened by your mid-30s .

  16. 美国著名搜索引擎AskJeeves最新调查发现,世界上最难回答的十大问题包括生命的意义是什么、有没有上帝等等。

    The world 's ten most unanswerable questions include " what is the meaning of life ", " does God exist ", showed a study made by Ask Jeeves , a popular search engine in US .

  17. 美国著名搜索引擎AskJeeves最新调查发现,世界上最难回答的十大问题包括“生命的意义是什么”、“有没有上帝”等等。

    The world 's ten most unanswerable questions include " what is the meaning of life , " " does God exist , " showed a study made by Ask Jeeves , a popular search engine in US .

  18. 那么你生命的动力是什么呢?

    What is the driving force in your life ?

  19. 主人:生命的意义是什么?

    Master : What is the meaning of Life ?

  20. 不要困惑于生命的意义是什么。

    Don 't wonder the meaning of life .

  21. 一切都要归为一个古老的问题:生命的意义是什么?

    It starts with an age-old question : what is the meaning of life ?

  22. 我生命的目标是什么?

    What 's the mission of my life ?

  23. 所以,基本上,这位作者认为生命的问题是什么?

    So , basically , what is the problem of life according to this author ?

  24. 我的生命的意义是什么?

    What has my life been about ?

  25. 对生命的答案是什么?

    What 's the answer to life ?

  26. 其实在34岁的时候开始,忽然之间感受到生命的意义是什么?

    Be in34 years old actually when begin , abrupt between what is the sense that feels life ?

  27. 从我记事的那天起,我就在不停的问自己,生命的意义是什么,为什么我们会来到地球上。

    From the day I can remember , I was asking the question , what is the meaning of the life , why we here on earth .

  28. 这与尼采同样反感于现代人仅仅满足于动物式的生活,而无法体会到自己生命的意义是什么的愤慨相同。

    With Nietzsche the same antipathy to modern people just to meet the animal-like life , can not appreciate their own meaning of life is what the same indignation .

  29. 人总是不断追问:生命的意义是什么?生、为了什么活着?对生命极限的询问,对无限的追求,在价值上使人类进入了终极关怀的境域。

    People are always questioning : What is the meaning of the life ? Lives , for what ? Terminal inquiry to the limitless pursuit , make the mankind enter the condition of ultimate care on value .

  30. 但你生命中的棒球是什么呢?

    But what is the baseball in your life ?