
  • 网络manufacturing facilities;production facility;Facility
  1. 第一类的DMF文件建议由位于美国之外的人提供,以帮助FDA对他们的生产设施进行现场检查。

    A Type I DMF is recommended for a person outside of the United States to assist FDA in conducting on site inspections of their manufacturing facilities .

  2. NIC称,未来五至十年,自动拖拉机将使用计算机技术进行更高效的耕种。所谓自动拖拉机可以看成是高度自动化的移动生产设施。

    The NIC says that with in the next five to 10 years , autonomous tractors think of them as highly automated manufacturing facilities on wheels can use computer technology to farm more efficiently .

  3. 我们现在有一个全套进口的CAD系统,自动裁剪系统和其他世界一流的生产设施。

    We now have a full set imported CAD system , automated cutting systems and other world-class production facilities .

  4. 论述了世界LNG生产设施的特点、发展情况及其分类,介绍了我国LNG工业的发展情况。

    Discussed are world LNG production plant , its classification and development of LNG industry in China .

  5. 随着生产设施,DC,华盛顿和得克萨斯州沃思堡,制版和印刷局是政府安全文件的最大的生产国美国。

    With production facilities in Washington , DC , and Fort Worth , Texas , the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is the largest producer of government security documents in the United States .

  6. FathomChina建议机构投资者展开某种尽职调查,包括核实客户是否存在、生产设施是否处于运营之中,以及已宣布的收购是否已完成。

    Fathom China advises institutional investors to conduct the sort of due diligence that would include verifying clients exist , that production facilities are in operation and that declared acquisitions have been completed .

  7. 与其它日本电子企业一样,夏普曾大举投资于液晶显示器(lcd)生产设施,结果却在竞争中不敌价格较低的日本和韩国生产商。

    Like other Japanese electronics companies , sharp has invested heavily in production facilities for liquid crystal displays , only to be undercut by cheaper Taiwanese and South Korean producers .

  8. AIB食品接触包装生产设施统一标准简介

    Brief Introduction of AIB Food Contact Packing Manufacture Facility Unification Standard

  9. 我们的两处超现代生产设施,分别位于荷兰符拉尔丁根和美国北卡罗来纳州apex,向全球客户基地提供产品和支持。

    With our two ultra modern production facilities , located in vlaardingen , the Netherland and apex , NC USA we supply and support our world wide customer base .

  10. 量化风险评估(QRA)在海上生产设施风险管理中的应用

    Application of Quantitative Risk Assessment in Risk Management of Offshore Production Facilities

  11. 机械制造商三一重工(sany)计划在明年成为首家在德国建立生产设施的中国工程集团。

    The machinery group Sany is also planning to be the first Chinese Engineering Group set up production facilities in Germany next year .

  12. 达信风险咨询(marshriskconsulting)供应链风险管理负责人格里林奇(garylynch)表示,多数供应链问题并非来自生产设施的实体破坏,而是交通问题和缺乏能源供给造成的。

    Gary Lynch , head of supply-chain risk management at marsh risk consulting , said most disruption would not come from the physical destruction of production facilities , but from transport problems and a lack of energy supply .

  13. 周三,接受CNET记者丹尼尔特迪曼完成了两部分,以对美国的访问钱一套生产设施。

    On Wednesday , CNET reporter Daniel Terdiman completed a two-part set of visits to the production facilities for America 's money .

  14. 该管理人士说,由于郑州工厂是iPhone5的主要生产设施,鸿海精密继续在郑州增雇人手,以提高公司为苹果和其他客户代工生产产品的能力。

    Since the Zhenghou site is a major production facility for the iPhone 5 , Hon Hai has continued to increase hiring in Zhengzhou to boost its production capacity for Apple products and other customers , said the executive .

  15. 文章介绍了挪威船级社DNV安全评估软件的作用及其安全评估的方法和流程,同时阐述了此软件对保证海上油气生产设施安全生产的重要性以及在应用中应注意的问题。

    The importance of the software for ensuring the safety of offshore oil and gas production and the notable matters of the software application are described .

  16. 对湖滩内生产设施的腐蚀情况进行了调查:湖滩大气对A3钢的腐蚀性为Ⅲ级轻腐蚀,土壤腐蚀性为Ⅰ级弱腐蚀。

    The corrosion of production facilities in the lake shoals was surveyed . The corrosion of A3 steel in atmosphere was grade ⅲ i.e. , slight corrosion , and in soil was grade ⅰ i.e. , weak corrosion .

  17. NIC称,未来五至十年,“自动拖拉机”将使用计算机技术进行更高效的耕种。所谓“自动拖拉机”可以看成是高度自动化的移动生产设施。

    The NIC says that with in the next five to 10 years , " autonomous tractors " - think of them as highly automated manufacturing facilities on wheels - can use computer technology to farm more efficiently .

  18. 少数基金如德国的vinovation基金投资于葡萄园土地、生产设施并从事葡萄酒品牌开发等。

    A few , such as the Germany-based vinovation fund , invest in vineyard land , production facilities , and wine brand development .

  19. Steelcase公司判定,相较于坚持使用一种更节能、但有毒的原材料,在生产设施中使用更多的可再生能源是减少碳排放的更好方式。

    Steelcase decided it was better to try to offset the carbon by using more renewable energy at its facilities than to stick with a more energy efficient , yet toxic material .

  20. Mando首席执行长吴尚洙说,印度工程师不仅比韩国工程师“便宜”,往往也更优秀。他计划进一步扩大在印度的生产设施。

    Indian engineers are not only cheaper than Korean engineers , but they frequently are better , 'says Sang Soo Oh , Mando 's chief executive officer , who plans to expand the Indian facility .

  21. 金属矿山井下排水排泥系统是重要的安全生产设施。

    Study and design about underground pumping water and mud system ;

  22. 五星行有打算在中国建立生产设施吗?

    Does Wolestenhome plan to set up production facilities in china ?

  23. 希望这种使用方法能尽快在浮式生产设施上得到广泛应用。

    The method is expected to have a wide application in FPSU .

  24. 通用在中国的生产设施是一流的。

    GM 's manufacturing plants in China are state of the art .

  25. 集体所有的建筑物、生产设施、农田水利设施;

    Buildings , production facilities , farmland , and water conservancy facilities .

  26. 它的大部分生产设施都停止了生产。

    It stalled production in most of its manufacturing facilities .

  27. 春晓生产设施的建设业已开工。

    Construction of the Chunxiao production facilities has already started .

  28. 国外安全评估软件在海上油气生产设施中的应用

    Application of Foreign Safety Evaluation Software to Offshore Oil and Gas Production Equipment

  29. 维护陆上终端生产设施、辅助设施正常运转;

    Maintaining the normal operation of production and auxiliary facilities for onshore terminal ;

  30. 海洋平台生产设施配管设计导管架和平台上部结构的特点

    Piping design for offshore platform topside facilities Features of the Jacket and Topside Structure