
The large-section mills are unsufficient in capacity So the construction of new universal section mills and renovation of some selected 650 mills will be necessary to help form a complete chain for the production of large , medium and small H-section steels .
The Coordination Model for Supply Chain with Insufficient Capacity under the Strategy of Outsourcing
Cold-drawing machine singal core stick work rate is low , the single plane output is not high .
Experimental results show that the method can resolve problems in the recycle , remove copper ion and recovery many metals .
In terms of market conditions , China 's potash production capacity is not sufficient and most of the products need to be imported ;
In Russian Far East the buyer 's market is forming under conditions of inadequate production capacity , not overproduction , for example , many consumer goods are still dependent on import .
As the applying of lean production during the process of establishing modern shipbuilding model , domestic shipbuilding enterprises commonly encounter the hull construction problems of low production capacity , inefficient distribution and difficulty in logistic .
The overall consumption of ethanolamine increases year by year and effective domestic capacity is in shortage . It is estimated that on average the import quantum per year accounts for 60 % ~ 80 % of consumption .
The developed countries tend to subsidize their agricultural production when the capacity of it is insufficient , or to support income of farmers , to control the output of agriculture , and to protect the balance of ecosystem when there is self-sufficiency .
According to the " State 's Tenth Five-Year Plan ", Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation will produce 9 million tons of steel per year , the quantity of sending out the products and making port ore will far exceed the quay of industrial harbor passes ability .
As a result , the operation systems often face the condition of demand surge .
However , the limited productivity and scarce natural resources can hardly meet the needs of the ever-Increasing population .
China car enterprises present generally their insufficient production ability , inferior managing technology and higher production cost , etc.
Even with the stabilization of financial markets in many developed economies , unemployment and under-utilization of capacity continue to rise , putting downward pressure on the global economy .
Aimed at the study of evaporation process for process capacity shortage , large energy consumption , high investment and other negative factors , to study the whole process equipment .
With expansion of the engine market and increasing of the variety , the capacity of existing block machining lines is far from demand , So it is very necessary to increase the machining capacity of engine block .
However , there is more than the Chinese LED industry , business and dispersed downstream , while the upper reaches of the chip , in particular , the substrate and the extension of production and lack of technical capacity , restricting the industry .
The challenges come from the competitions among surrounding ports and Guangzhou Port 's incapability in production .
The industrial product of80 % above puts our state in move productivity , utilization rate is insufficient , it is the problem that is not worth badly even .
Due to the shortages of insufficient flexibility , unreasonable equipment layout , redundant or inadequate production capacity , labor intensive , long handling distance and long handling time , the traditional fixed serial countertop production line cannot meet the requirement of mass customization .
With the development of shipbuilding socialization , some manufacturing tasks are under the consideration of outsourcing by the shipyards so as to make full use of social resources which is much cheaper and more efficient , and the capacity shortage can be solved through outsourcing .