
  1. 在对青海省化隆回族自治县甘都镇几个村落的实地调查发现,民族社会在政治、经济、文化等方面长期发展的过程中的不同特点,形成了社会结构性差异。

    After the field work in several villages in HuaLong hui autonomous county of qinghai , it found out that national society in political , economic , cultural and other aspects of the development of the long-term process of different characteristics , forming social structural differences .

  2. 在这苍茫的人海里,不单单是遇上了,相识了,而且还携手一起走过一段,不管那段路长或短,期间的苦与甘,都是福气。

    It is literally a blessing when you not only encounter each other , know each other and go hand in hand through way after way , however long or short , sweet or bitter .