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ɡān quán
  • Ganquan;sweet spring water
甘泉 [gān quán]
  • (1) [sweet spring]

  • (2) 甜美的泉水

  • 但愿人间的一切血泪和汗点,同雨点一样,化做甘泉

  • 孔子曰:为人下者乎?其犹土也?深抇( hú)掘

  • (3) 之而得甘泉焉。--《荀子.尧问》

  • (4) 亦指美好的水泉

  • 济南多甘泉,名闻者以十数

  1. 茫茫戈壁,我是你内心深处那一泓清澈的甘泉;

    Boundless and indistinct Gobi desert , I you deep limpid sweet spring water that in the heart of hearts ;

  2. 甘泉香港航空有限公司(oasishongkongairlines)也已倒闭该公司曾试图大幅降低香港至欧洲和北美的长途航线票价。

    So has Oasis Hong Kong Airlines , which tried to bring radically lower fares to long-haul routes between Hong Kong and Europe and North America .

  3. 一年前开始运营的香港甘泉航空(Oasis)已同意以3000万美元将5%至10%的股权出售给资产管理公司ValuePartners。

    Oasis , a Hong Kong carrier that started flying a year ago , has agreed to sell a stake of between 5 and 10 per cent to Value Partners , an asset manager , for $ 30m .

  4. 甘泉航空是由数名香港投资者创办的,其中李卓民牧师(ReverendRaymondLee)投入1亿美元启动资金,他在美国东海岸也拥有房地产业。

    Oasis was founded by several Hong Kong investors with starting capital of $ 100m led by Reverend Raymond Lee , who also has US east coast property interests .

  5. 洗礼的恩典,我畅饮着圣水甘泉,它是。

    God gave for baptism , I am fain to drink .

  6. 鄂尔多斯盆地甘泉地区下侏罗统高分辨率层序地层学分析

    High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of Lower Jurassic in Ganquan area , Ordos Basin

  7. 你知道那里海边有条甘泉吗?

    You know that sweet water spring down there by the sea ?

  8. 汉甘泉昆明池遗址考

    On the Site of Kunming Pond in Ganquan During the Han Dynasty

  9. 畅饮吧,否则莫尝比埃里甘泉;

    Drink deep , or taste not the Pierian Spring ;

  10. 对陕北甘泉美水的研究

    Beauty Study On The Fine Water of Ganquan Northern Shaanxi

  11. 陕西甘泉县黄牛毛色遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis on Hair Color of Yellow Cattle in Ganquan County of Shaanxi

  12. 我们痛饮知识的甘泉,这个人只是用来漱口。

    Some drink from the fountain of knowledge ; this person only gargled .

  13. 甘泉6号对大鼠肠系膜微循环的影响

    Effect of ganquan 6 on mesenteric microcirculation in rats

  14. 沁河流域甘泉沟治沟骨干工程的设计

    Design of backbone project for control of Ganquan ditch in Qinhe Water Basin

  15. 荒漠之中有甘泉么?荒漠之中有甘泉么?

    Is there water in this desert , is there water in the desert ?

  16. 甘泉油区石油勘探开发中钻时曲线的应用

    Application of Drilling Time Curve in Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum in Ganquan Petroliferous Area

  17. 美国与“甘泉岛事件”

    The United States and Robert Island Affairs

  18. 听说了所发生的事后,因陀罗发誓要取回生命的甘泉。

    Upon hearing what had happened , Indra vowed to take back the life-giving liquid .

  19. 这笑声对我来说,就好象是沙漠中的甘泉一样。

    For me , it was like a spring of fresh water in the desert .

  20. 鄂尔多斯盆地甘泉地区古生界烃源岩特征研究

    Reserch of the Characteristics of Paleozoic Source Rock in Ganquan Prospect Area in Ordos Basin

  21. 湛甘泉是以陈白沙为代表的江门学派的无可争议的传人。

    Zhan Ganquan was an undeniable successor of the Jiangmen School represented by Chen Baisha .

  22. 甘泉航空并非完全不提供非必要服务。

    Oasis is not completely no-frills .

  23. 甘泉获准飞越俄国领空只是一次性安排。

    Permission granted to Oasis Airlines to fly over Russian airspace was just a one-off arrangement .

  24. 太渴了,真想痛快的喝几口甘泉。

    I am really thirsty , I want to have some sweet and refreshing spring water .

  25. 联邦是我们国家、社会和个人幸福取之不竭的甘泉。

    It has been to us all a copious fountain of national , social , personal happiness .

  26. 爱的荒漠与甘泉

    Desert and Spring of Love

  27. 2004年来到上海甘泉外国语中学留学生部学习。

    She began her study in the Foreign Student Department of Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Languages High School in2004 .

  28. 在此期间,甘泉所有飞往伦敦的航班都要走一条途经中亚的更长航线。

    In the meantime , all of its flights to London are flying a longer route via central Asia .

  29. 这种变故仅仅是一次艰难旅途的开始。甘泉航空的首航于第二天起飞。

    The turbulence was just the beginning of a difficult journey . Oasis ' inaugural flight took off the next day .

  30. 即使是一件微不足道的事,只要有互相体谅对方的心,就是荒漠里的甘泉。

    Even in a trivial matter , consideration for each other is necessary , which is spring water in a wilderness .