
  1. 冲泡龙井茶也可用瓷器茶具,它能更好地诠释龙井的精妙。

    It is also available to use porcelain tea sets , which are better interpretation of Dragon well tea .

  2. 这套瓷器茶具非同寻常,它产于景德镇,相似的东西没有几套。

    This china tea set is unusual , it is made in Jingdezhen , there are a few of others like it .

  3. 记起我为什么会来到这里。我走到了其中一个摊位前,仔细看了看瓷器花瓶和印花茶具。

    Remembering with difficulty why I had come , I went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea-sets .