
  • 网络Prime Minister of Sweden;Statsminister
  1. 自今年年底为止将一直担任欧盟主席的瑞典首相赖因费尔特(FredrikReinfeldt)表示,欧盟领导人的选择反应了他们试图将欧盟各国团结起来。

    Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden - which holds the EU presidency until the year 's end - said the choice reflected an effort to unify the bloc .

  2. 本文由英国首相和瑞典首相联合撰写

    David Cameron is the UK Prime Minister and Fredrik Reinfeldt is the Swedish Prime Minister

  3. 自上世纪60年代末,居住在斯德哥尔摩的帕兹便成为瑞典首相的御用理发师。

    The Stockholm-based Patzer has shorn the locks of every Swedish prime minister since the late1960s .

  4. 1986年2月28日,瑞典首相奥洛夫·帕尔梅在斯德哥尔摩市中心被枪杀。

    On Feb. 28 , 1986 , Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was shot to death in central Stockholm .

  5. 在住房危机和房地产价格暴涨的情况下,瑞典首相斯特凡·勒文在议会的不信任投票中失利。

    Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has lost a non-confidence vote in parliament amid a housing crisis and skyrocketing real estate prices .

  6. 瑞典首相和妻子、新婚的维多利亚公主和未婚夫维斯特林、瑞典国王和王后出席欢迎庆典。

    Swedish Prime Ministar Fredrik Reinfeldt and his wife Flippa Reinfeldt with Crown Princess Victoria , Daniel Westling , HM King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia at the Government 's reception .

  7. 攻击者无视瑞典首相呼吁冷静,在夜幕降临后出动。在四天的暴力行动中,一些商店和学校遭到破坏、一个警察局和一所工艺美术中心也被殃及。

    The attackers have awaited nightfall before setting out , defying a call for calm from the country 's prime minister and damaging stores , schools , a police station and an arts and crafts centre in the four days of violence .

  8. 话说80年代的时候,瑞典前首相奥洛夫·帕尔梅曾想去美国拜访罗纳德·里根。

    There is a story about Olof Palme , the Swedish Prime Minister , going to see Ronald Reagan in America in the1980s .

  9. 根据瑞典宪法,首相有一周的时间来决定是提前举行选举还是要求议会组建新政府。

    Under the Swedish Constitution , the Prime Minister has one week to decide whether to call an early election or ask parliament to find a new government .

  10. 瑞典社会民主党领袖勒文自2014年以来一直担任瑞典首相,他是瑞典政府领导人中首位在这一动议中落败的人。

    Lofven , who 's been Sweden 's Social Democratic Prime Minister since 2014 , is the first Swedish government leader ever to lose such a motion .