
qiónɡ jiānɡ
  • jadelike wine;good liquor/wine
琼浆 [qióng jiāng]
  • [good wine] 传说中神仙饮的仙水,代指好酒

  • 瑶池琼浆千杯少

  1. 蒲公英的花梗里都是乳汁,苜蓿花的芯里盛满了琼浆,冰箱里放了那么多冰凉的饮料。

    Dandelion stems are full of milk , clover heads are loaded with nectar , the Frigidaire is full of ice-cold drinks .

  2. 从而,缀饮知识的琼浆慢慢成长。

    Thus , drinking up the growth of knowledge slowly .

  3. 你确定不是喝多“圣经琼浆”迷糊了吗?

    You sure it 's not too much Bible juice ?

  4. 可是哪怕由我尝天帝的琼浆,

    But might I of Jove 's nectar sup ,

  5. 用六朵花和七棵草酿成的琼浆。

    Nectar from six flowers and seven grasses .

  6. 一直饮着天堂的琼浆仙乳。

    And drunk the milk of Paradise .

  7. 这样的水,是日月捧出的精华,是花雨酿造的琼浆。

    This water is the essence of the moon and to endorse , Huayu Brewing Qiongjiang .

  8. 当我喝下了秘传教义的芳洌琼浆时,我也经历过这样的愉快。

    I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines .

  9. 饮得琼浆鲜草宴。

    Drink then eat fresh grass .

  10. 报告琼浆酒的初步药理实验,并与龟龄集酒进行对比。

    In this article , preliminary pharmacologic studies of Qiongjiang wine are reported a comparison of this wine with Guilingji wine is made .

  11. 我饮着朝露酿成的琼浆;听着小鸟的鸣啭歌唱;就着芳草的摇曳婆娑起舞。

    I drink dew for wine , and hearken toThe voices of the birds , and danceTo the rhythmic swaying of the grass .

  12. 自信是阳光,是雨露,是琼浆,助人思维敏捷,精神抖擞,挥洒一切。

    Self-confidence is the sun , is the rain , is Qiongjiang , to help others quick-witted , full of energy , bring creativity into everything .

  13. 现在港口已经失去了它的重要性,但是波尔多的声誉却一点也没掉价,正是由于那甘甜的琼浆&金黄色的葡萄酒!

    Nowadays the port has lost its importance , but the name of Bordeaux did not lost its prestige , thanks to the sweet gold * wine !

  14. 现在港口已经失去了它的重要性,但是波尔多的声誉却一点也没掉价,正是由于那甘甜的琼浆—金黄色的葡萄酒!

    Nowadays the port has lost its importance , but the name of Bordeaux did not lost its prestige , thanks to the sweet gold ... wine !

  15. 来到这里,你可以在冬宫的宏伟中享受琼浆,搭船漂过宏伟的运河,一睹沙皇金碧辉煌的财富。

    You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace , to float down the majestic canals , to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence .

  16. 灵魂深处涌起无限的渴望渴望有神圣的甘露让我酣畅可纵有天神朱庇特的琼浆仙酿,我也不愿意换你的芳香。

    The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine ; but might I of jove 's nectar sup , I would not change for thine .

  17. 从历史看,自1977年恢复大学正常的招生秩序以来,大学的学子们都如久旱逢甘雨似地吮吸着科学文化知识的琼浆。

    Viewed historically , since normal college recruitment was restored in 1977 , college students have been devouring the nectar of science and culture as the dry ground absorbs rains after a long drought .

  18. 采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。

    An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing , weave a cool autumn you covered , as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart , and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams .

  19. 楚人饭稻羹鱼、五味调和、桂酒琼浆,既显出有别于中原的饮食习尚,又具有其独特的文化内涵。

    People in Chu Kingdom regarded rice as the staple food , mediated the five flavours , drinked in hobby , these eating habits had unique cultural contents which was different from the North of China .

  20. 正如天方明珠在玫瑰琼浆消融,晚霞与葡萄红酒般的大海相混;埃及黑夜女皇举杯一饮而尽,亲爱的,把你的掌心贴着我的掌心。

    Now in the sea 's red vintage melts the sun , As Egypt 's pearl dissolved in rosy wine , And Cleopatra Night drinks all . " Tis done , Love , lay thine hand in mine . Come forth , sweet stars , and comfort heaven 's heart ;