
qióng sī
  • Jones;January Jones;Doug Jones;Vinnie Jones
  1. 琼斯督察的壮硕身躯出现在门口。

    The bulky figure of Inspector Jones appeared at the door .

  2. 琼斯是球队入第一球的发动者。

    Jones was the architect of the team 's first goal .

  3. 请琼斯教授原谅,证据表明…

    The evidence suggests , pace Professor Jones , that … .

  4. 史密斯和琼斯在去年的决赛中相遇。

    Smith and Jones met in last year 's final .

  5. 在去年的决赛中,史密斯与琼斯交锋。

    Smith met Jones in last year 's final .

  6. 琼斯现已出局,莫里斯极有可能胜出。

    Morris is likely to win , with Jones out of the picture now .

  7. 琼斯已被开除出队。

    Jones has been axed from the team .

  8. 得啦,得啦,琼斯小姐,你完全知道我的意思。

    Come , come , Miss Jones , you know perfectly well what I mean .

  9. 她婚后随夫姓琼斯。

    Her married name is Jones .

  10. 琼斯首先得分。

    Jones scored the opener .

  11. 琼斯负伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。

    Since his injury , Jones has become more of a liability than an asset to the team .

  12. 琼斯的观众群更为多样化而且可能更年轻。

    Jones has a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience .

  13. 两个少年闯进了琼斯先生的母亲家里行窃。

    Two teenagers burgled the home of Mr Jones 's mother .

  14. 琼斯自己是个奇特的混合体,既保守又激进。

    Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism .

  15. 琼斯有10年没吹小号了。

    Jones hasn 't touched a trumpet in 10 years .

  16. 琼斯先生获得了他所在社区民众的热烈支持。

    Mr Jones received loud support from his local community .

  17. 这个话题最能让琼斯唠叨个没完。

    Jones harps on this theme more than on any other

  18. 琼斯的律师要求报纸坦诚道歉。

    Jones ' lawyers are seeking an unreserved apology from the newspaper .

  19. 这个家伙和琼斯长得惊人地相似。

    This guy bore a really freaky resemblance to Jones .

  20. 他的母亲向琼斯一家赔了不是。

    His mother offered her apologies to the Jones family

  21. 一位涨红了脸的琼斯先生被警察带走了。

    A red-faced Mr Jones was led away by police

  22. 法默先生和琼斯太太都承认密谋杀死了琼斯先生。

    Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones both admitted conspiring to murder her husband .

  23. 琼斯夫人和蔼亲切,总是面带微笑。

    Mrs Jones was a pleasant , homely person with a ready smile .

  24. 琼斯开始恐吓并控制保罗。

    Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul

  25. 总之,等待琼斯的似乎是一个相当令人沮丧的夏天。

    All in all , it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones .

  26. 琼斯先生对报告不屑一顾,称其中充斥着谬误。

    Mr Jones was dismissive of the report , saying it was riddled with inaccuracies .

  27. 就在那一刻,琼斯夫人响亮的声音打断了他们,说有人来访。

    At that moment Mrs. Jones 's powerful voice interrupted them , announcing a visitor .

  28. 琼斯10岁时成为孤儿,被隔壁的邻居收养。

    Jones was orphaned at the age of ten , and taken in by next-door neighbours

  29. 凯利先生把辞职信寄到了琼斯先生的内部邮箱里。

    Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mail box .

  30. 因为琼斯先生不受一般的治安条例法规约束,所以专门设立了特别法庭。

    The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code .