
liú li
  • glaze;azure stone;coloured glaze
琉璃 [liú lí]
  • [coloured glaze] 巴利语 veluriya或梵文俗语verulia的译音。用铝和钠的硅酸化合物烧制成的釉料,常见的有绿色和金黄色两种,多加在粘土的外层,烧制成缸、盆、砖瓦等。亦指琉璃灯座

  • 一盏琉璃

琉璃[liú li]
  1. 中国第一个琉璃博物馆正式开馆

    Inauguration of the 1st Colored Glaze Museum in China

  2. 而碧玉、珊瑚、琉璃,咸为国之宝。

    Jade , coral , glaze are all the treasure of the country .

  3. 雪后的山谷幻化成一个奇特的琉璃世界。

    The snow turned the valley into a strange crystalline place .

  4. 上面儿就是琉璃塔了。

    Further up is the glazed-tile pagoda .

  5. 琉璃球儿似的小机灵鬼!

    What a smart kid !

  6. 七檐佛殿背倚山岩,楼层飞檐翘角,殿顶琉璃装饰,流光溢彩,气势恢宏,蔚为壮观。

    Rock permitted seven canopies , cornices floors , decorative glass , Ambilight , momentum magnificent , magnificent .

  7. 陕西西岳庙古琉璃胎料来源的INAA研究及多元统计分析

    Study on Sources of Colored Glaze of Xiyue Temple in Shanxi Province by INAA and Multivariable Statistical Analysis

  8. 产品以琉璃、玉石、树脂合金为主流。

    Products to glass , jade , alloy into the mainstream .

  9. 我会继续写关于琉璃朝珠的故事

    I will continue the story of Mandarin glass beads next time

  10. 琉璃苣疗法带来直接进入皮肤细胞长效的作用。

    Borage Therapy delivers long lasting benefits directly to skin cells .

  11. 仿古灰色琉璃瓦的试制总结

    Trail-produced Result on the Imitation of the Ancient Grey Glazed Tile

  12. 陶瓷色料在低温透明琉璃瓦釉中的应用研究

    Research on the use of ceramic pigments in low-temperature transparent glaze

  13. 河南南阳市发现明代琉璃房屋模型

    Ming Period Glazed Model of House Discovered in Nanyang City , Henan

  14. 它有美妙的琉璃双层屋顶。

    It has a fabulous double roof of yellow tiles .

  15. 孔雀蓝琉璃瓦的釉色研究

    A study on colour of the peacock blue glazed tile

  16. 山西琉璃制品产业现状及发展思考

    Thinking on the Current Situation and Development of Glassware Industry in Shanxi

  17. 防治琉璃瓦屋面渗漏的施工措施

    Construction measures of preventing and curing the leakage of glazed tile roof

  18. 琉璃苣无土栽培营养液试验初探

    Study on the Soil - less Culture of Borage with Nutrient Solution

  19. 我们是骄傲的琉璃苣,我们,不畏惧

    We are proud of borage , we are not afraid

  20. 琉璃苣油对脂质代谢和脂质过氧化的影响

    Effect of borage seed oil on lipid metabolism and lipid peroxidation in rats

  21. 外来文化对唐代玉石器琉璃器的影响

    Impact of Alien Culture on Jade and Glass Ware of the Tang Dynasty

  22. 隋唐时期建筑采用琉璃瓦,更是富丽堂皇。

    Glass tiles used in Sui and Tang made the building more glorious .

  23. 金黄色金属光泽釉在琉璃瓦制品上的应用研究

    The use of golden METAL-LUSTROUS glaze on glazed tile

  24. 煤矸石为主一次低温快烧琉璃瓦坯体的研究

    Research on low temperature fast single-firing body for glazed tile using coal gangue

  25. 西夏的陶瓷砖瓦琉璃

    The ceramics , bricks and tiles , coloured glaze in HSI Hsia Kingdom

  26. 尖塔上的窗户镶着红蓝琉璃。

    And the towers had windows with red and blue glass in them .

  27. 湖南台提前播出《爱上琉璃苣女孩》。

    Fated to Love was broadcast in advance in Hunan Satellite TV Station .

  28. 琉璃瓦都是黄色的吗?

    Is yellow the only color for those tiles ?

  29. 皇宫的金色琉璃瓦屋顶在北京的阳光下散发着光辉。

    The gold-tiled roofs of the imperial palaces glowed in the Peking sun .

  30. 利用赤泥制备琉璃瓦的研究

    Preparation of Glazed Roof Tile Using Red Mud