
  • 网络glass jar;Mason jar
  1. 她打开了装满梅子的玻璃罐。

    She opened up a glass jar of plums .

  2. 她把零钱存放在一个玻璃罐中。

    She saved her pennies in a glass jar .

  3. 陈先生答说:“能不能把这个玻璃罐的盖子打开啊!”

    Mr Chen answered : " to see whether you can make the cap of the glass pot up or not ? "

  4. DeirdreImus:是的,一点都不贵。你可以一次性制作很多,保存在玻璃罐里。这样可以帮你省钱。

    D.I. : So a lot of them you can put in glass jars at home , and it 's , you save money .

  5. 烟草罐或玻璃罐储存烟草的工作做好。

    Tobacco tins or glass jars work well for storing tobacco .

  6. 玻璃罐固化从入户花园的天然烟草的理想选择。

    Glass jars are ideal for curing natural tobacco from the home garden .

  7. 我永远都会记得;她把零钱存放在一个玻璃罐中。

    I will always remember ; she saved her pennies in a glass jar .

  8. 存储在有盖子的玻璃罐里。

    Store it in a covered glass jar .

  9. 把你所有买烟的钱省下来攒在一个大玻璃罐里。

    Put all the money you 're saving on cigarettes in a large glass jar .

  10. 封闭的玻璃罐可以随时随地进行目视检查,而无需打开它们时固化。

    The closed glass jars can be visually inspected anytime during curing without opening them .

  11. 在一个4盎司的玻璃罐中,倒入所有油,并在使用前摇匀。

    In a four ounce jar , fill with all oils and shake well before using .

  12. 勺取出1杯放入玻璃罐,盖上保鲜膜存放到冰箱。

    Scoop out a cup and put into a glass jar , covered loosely , in fridge .

  13. 这个玻璃罐是可拆卸的,你可以选择稍后自己喝掉或重新倒回Drinky的酒杯。

    The container is removable , giving you the option to drink that alcohol yourself later or pour it back into Drinky 's cup .

  14. 他不仅从不会哭哭啼啼或发酒疯,而且能把喝下去的酒都存在身体的玻璃罐里。

    Not only will he never become weepy or belligerent , every drink he takes is stored in the glass jar that makes up his body .

  15. 前不久的一个星期六下午,一大堆装在大玻璃罐里,满满溢出来的鱼翅被标价199.99美元一磅出售。

    On a recent Saturday afternoon , a thick bundle of shark fin cartilage sprouted over the rim of a large glass jar labeled $ 199.99 a pound .

  16. 前一天晚上就开始在玻璃罐中准备这一早餐,到早上的时候,你就能吃现成的了——吃一勺就可以骑车去学校了!

    Prepare this breakfast the night before in Mason jars and you 'll be ready to go in the morning - grab a spoon for the ride to school !

  17. 四壁昏暗,沿墙的架子上摆着许多大玻璃罐,罐里悬浮着各种令人恶心的东西,哈利此刻并不想知道它们的名字。

    The shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars , in which floated all manner of revolting thingsHarry didn 't really want to know the name of at the moment .

  18. 我小时候总用网捕虫,把虫子放进玻璃罐在它们身上插大头针用瓦楞纸把它们做成标本,在纸下面贴上标签鉴别出种类,用拉丁文写的。

    I spent many childhood years capturing them with nets , putting them in glass jars , sticking pins through them , mounting them on corrugated cardboard with Dymo labels underneath , identifying the genus and species . In Latin .

  19. 之后,我们就开始漫长的酿蜜过程,要用三个滤器来过滤蜂蜜,然后再把它们装入一个巨大的锡炉里,进行加热,直到蜂蜜变成可滴落的液体,这样就能轻而易举地将其装进我们的玻璃罐里。

    After this we would go through the long process of spinning the honey , filtering the honey with three filters , and then putting the honey in a large tin heater and warming it until it was drippy and easily bottled in one of our glass jars .

  20. 幼苗应该生长在一只梅森罐(Masonjar&一种玻璃食品罐)里,罐子要有网盖,可以透气和排水。

    Sprouts should grow in a Mason jar with a screen lid for air and drainage .

  21. 3L自动发酵罐中西罗莫司的发酵研究MBF-Ⅲ-10型多参数自动监控玻璃发酵罐的应用研究

    Elaboration of the multiparameter automatic monitoring jar fermentor model mbf - ⅲ - 10 and its application to the fermentation kinetics study

  22. 用干罐法控制和监测高放废液玻璃固化罐内液位

    Level control inside pot for vitrification of simulated high-level wastes

  23. 本公司拥有高压搪玻璃水解罐。

    The company has high-pressure tank Tang Boli hydrolysis .

  24. 搪玻璃反应罐制造和修理工艺探讨

    Research on Manufacture and Repair of Glass Lining Reactor

  25. 内热式搪玻璃反应罐电加热炉

    Internal Electric Heater for Glass Lining Reaction Vessels

  26. 分别使用恒化装置和全玻璃发酵罐连续培养多变鱼腥藻。

    A chemostat apparatus and a whole glass fermentor were used in the continuous culture of Anabaena vasriabilis .

  27. 建立了一套两升圆柱体玻璃发酵罐的固态通风培养装置及通风系统。

    A set of solid state fermentation and airing system of two liters cylinder glass fermentor was established .

  28. 苔丝跑回自己的卧室,从壁橱里抽出她藏在那里的玻璃果冻罐。

    Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet .

  29. 高放废液玻璃固化罐钢材&新23合金的试验研究

    A steel used for solidification pot of vitrifying high level liquid radioactive waste & test on a new No.23 alloy steel

  30. 在BF-Ⅱ-12型玻璃发酵罐中测定了四种牛顿型流体和五种具有指数律流变特性的金霉菌悬浮液在不同操作条件下的体积氧传递系数,并且测定了这些流体的物性常数。

    The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficients under different operating conditions were measured in BF - ⅱ - 12 model jar fermentor for four Newtonian fluids and five S. aureofaciens mycelial suspensions with power-law theological characteristics .