
  • 网络glass bowl
  1. 玻璃碗咣的一声摔了个粉碎。

    The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces .

  2. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。

    He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock .

  3. 玻璃碗跌在石板上破成碎片。

    The glass bowl dashed to pieces against the stone floor .

  4. 用长勺将搅拌好的果冻浆盛到玻璃碗中。

    Generously ladle the jelly syrups into separate glass bowls .

  5. 不不不,那是个贵到吓死人的圣安杰洛牌玻璃碗。

    No. No , no , no. That 's a criminally expensive Santangelo bowl .

  6. 水开以后,将玻璃碗放入不锈钢锅内蒸一小时。

    Place the glass bowl , covered , on a pan of boiling water to make a double boiler .

  7. 那里有个装着圣安杰洛牌玻璃碗的盒子,是他们准备送我们的结婚礼物。

    There is a box over there with a Santangelo glass bowl that they got us for our wedding .

  8. 将所有成分放在一个玻璃碗中,用一个电动混合器或者食物处理机打起泡沫直到粘稠为止。

    Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and whip until thick with an electric hand mixer or food processor .

  9. 他还制作出了世界上第一幅双光眼镜,发明了玻璃碗琴和活梯。

    He also made the first pair of bifocal glassed and invented a musical instrument called the glass harmonica and the stepladder chair .

  10. 深圳富威专业供应各类玻璃碗玻璃壶玻璃杯子玻璃罐,种类繁多,做工精良,质优价廉,欢迎来电咨询。

    Shenzhen Fairway Professionally supplying varied kind of glass revolving plate , varied designs , high quality , reasonable prices , Welcome to Call Us today !