
  • 网络Vitrified microsphere;VMB
  1. 其组成材料主要为:水泥、粉煤灰、玻化微珠、EPS颗粒、高分子粘结剂、纤维网格布等。

    Its main constituents are cement , fly ash , vitrified microsphere , EPS grain , macromolecule binding agent and fiber .

  2. 对玻化微珠保温砂浆的整个施工工艺进行了研究,并与EPS板和XPS聚苯板的施工工艺进行比较,凸显玻化微珠保温砂浆的技术优越性。

    The advantages of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar in technology were studied by investigated of construction technique and compared with EPS and XPS . ( 3 ) .

  3. 对玻化微珠保温混凝土的试验研究在全国尚属首次,本文研究的玻化微珠保温混凝土已获得国家知识产权局发明专利授权(ZL200610012726.2)。

    ' Glazed hollow bead insulation concrete ' in this paper has been authorized to obtain the invention patent ( ZL200610012726.2 ) from State Intellectual Property Office .

  4. 有机硅在膨胀玻化微珠轻质砂浆中的应用

    Application of silicone in Light weight mortar blended with expanded vitrified microspheres

  5. 玻化微珠整体式保温体系设计及经济性评价

    Designing and Economic Evaluation of Glazed Hollow Bead Integrated Thermal Insulation System

  6. 不同级配玻化微珠-聚苯乙烯颗粒双掺建筑保温砂浆研究

    Research on different grading of vitrified microsphere-polystyrene grain mixed thermal insulation mortar

  7. 玻化微珠与闭孔膨胀珍珠岩的性能比较

    Performance comparison between glazed hollow bead and closed-cell expanded perlite

  8. 对以膨胀玻化微珠为代表的新型无机质绝热材料的探索

    Exploration of inorganic insulation materials represented by expanded vitrified microsphere

  9. 玻化微珠保温混凝土单轴受压试验研究

    Experimental Study of Glazed Hollow Bead Insulation Concrete under the Uniaxial Compression

  10. 玻化微珠对无机轻集料保温砂浆性能的影响

    Effects of glazed hollow bead on the inorganic light-weight aggregate insulating mortar

  11. 玻化微珠在自保温墙体中的应用研究

    Research for application of glazed hollow beads to self-insulation wall

  12. 乳化沥青对玻化微珠保温砂浆性能的影响

    Effect of Asphalt Emulsion on the Performance of Glazed Hollow Bead Insulation Mortar

  13. 膨胀玻化微珠的显微结构及其吸湿性能研究

    Study on the Microstructure of Expanded and Vitrified Small Balls and Its Sorption Performance

  14. 玻化微珠保温混凝土及其结构的基本性能试验与理论分析研究

    Material and Structural Basic Performance Tests and Theoretical Analysis Research on Glazed Hollow Bead Insulation Concrete

  15. 掺加铁矿砂尾砂的玻化微珠保温混凝土的性能研究

    Study on properties of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead concrete mixing with ore sand and tailing

  16. 玻化微珠保温混凝土热工参数及静态能耗研究

    The Thermal Parameters & the Static Energy Research of Glass Beads of Thermal Insulation of Concrete

  17. 介绍玻化微珠复合保温板保温隔热系统的基本构造和施工工艺。

    The basic structure and Construction technology of wall insulation system of glazed hollow beads compound plate is introduced .

  18. 玻化微珠保温砂浆在建筑节能与抗震加固一体化中的应用

    Thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar applies on reconstruction for energy conservation and seismic reinforcing organic unionization of buildings

  19. 对玻化微珠发泡保温板外墙外保温系统进行了设计,绘制特殊部位的构造详图。

    The paper designs exterior insulation system made of insulation board and draws the special parts of the structure detail .

  20. 引气剂对不同集灰比玻化微珠保温砂浆性能的影响

    Effect of air entraining agent on performance of EVB thermal insulation mortars with different mass ratio of aggregate to cement

  21. 在现有结构体系基础上,提出一种能替代传统砖混结构的建筑体系&玻化微珠保温板免拆墙模复合剪力墙体系。

    This kind of wall formwork can integrate composite shear wall system with inner concrete without being removed after concrete construction .

  22. 墙壁上有织纹状饰面.高层建筑外墙发泡水泥玻化微珠外保温块体饰面施工技术

    Finishing Construction Technology of External Walls Using Exterior Thermal Insulation Block Made of Vitrified Microsphere of Foaming Cement in High-rise Building

  23. 玻化微珠保温墙模复合剪力墙体系研究组合式密肋复合墙体的受力性能研究

    Study on Composite Shear Wall Structure System with Thermal Insulation Wall Form of Glazed Hollow Beads ANALYSES OF MECHANICAL BEHAVIORS OF COMBINATIONAL MULTI-RIBBED COMPOSITE WALL

  24. 混凝土实心砖采用玻化微珠轻细保温集料的研制及其砌体基本性能试验研究

    Manufacture of the Bearing Solid Concrete Brick with Fine & Light Weight Aggregate of Glazed Hollow Bead and Experimental Researches on Basic Performance of Masonry

  25. 最终得出结论:在该工程上应用玻化微珠节能保温系统具有良好的经济效益和环境效益。

    Eventually come to the conclusion : In the project on the application of glass beads of energy-saving insulation system has good economic and environmental benefits .

  26. 玻化微珠整体式保温隔热建筑概念的提出玻化微珠保温墙模复合剪力墙体系研究

    Integrated thermal insulation buildings made of glazed hollow beads mortar Study on Composite Shear Wall Structure System with Thermal Insulation Wall Form of Glazed Hollow Beads

  27. 在此背景下,对新型建筑保温节能材料&玻化微珠保温混凝土进行理论分析与试验研究具有重要意义。

    In this context , material and structural test and theoretical analysis research is meaningful on new energy-saving building material , glazed hollow bead insulation concrete .

  28. 玻化微珠保温混凝土是一种既具有普通混凝土的物理力学性能,又具有保温性能的新型建筑材料。

    Glazed hollow bead insulation concrete is both a physical and mechanical properties of ordinary concrete , but also has thermal insulation properties of the new building materials .

  29. 以膨胀珍珠岩为参照,研究了旨在减少膨胀珍珠岩吸水吸湿性而开发的膨胀玻化微珠的微观结构和吸湿性能。

    The microstructure and sorption properties are studied on the expanded and vitrified small balls which are developed to decrease the sorption properties of the expanded perlite particles .

  30. 日光温室番茄应用滴灌水肥一体化技术初探高层建筑外墙发泡水泥玻化微珠外保温块体饰面施工技术

    Effects of Drip Fertigation on Tomato in the Solar Greenhouse Finishing Construction Technology of External Walls Using Exterior Thermal Insulation Block Made of Vitrified Microsphere of Foaming Cement in High-rise Building