
  • 网络modern tobacco agriculture
  1. 湖南省现代烟草农业现状及发展前景

    Status and Development Prospect of Modern Tobacco Agriculture in Hunan Province

  2. 关于发展现代烟草农业科技创新问题的探讨

    Ponder on the Development of Modern Tobacco Agriculture Science and Technology Innovation

  3. 同时,通过案例研究表明,GIS技术在现代烟草农业综合规划中具有很大的应用潜力和不可替代的作用,现代信息技术成为推进农业现代化的必要技术手段。

    At the same time , indicated through the case study that the GIS technology has the very big application potential and the unreplaceable function .

  4. 延安市现代烟草农业建设与发展的思考

    Yanan City for Modern Agriculture Construction and Development of Tobacco Thinking

  5. 平顶山现代烟草农业产业化发展研究

    The Study in Agricultural Industrialized Development of Modern Tobacco of Pingdingshan

  6. 以农业信息化助推现代烟草农业建设

    Speeding up the Construction of the Modern Tobacco Agriculture by Agricultural Information

  7. 循环农业:现代烟草农业可持续发展的必然选择

    Circular agriculture , an inevitable option for sustainable development of modern tobacco agriculture

  8. 我国现代烟草农业存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Modern Tobacco Agriculture in China

  9. 美国烟草经济政策对我国现代烟草农业建设的启示

    Enlightenment from the Tobacco Economic Policies in USA for Chinese Modern Tobacco Agriculture Construction

  10. 发展现代烟草农业,提高农业综合生产能力。

    The development of modern tobacco agriculture , increase agricultural production capacity . 5 .

  11. 2我省现代烟草农业的发展仍面临一些瓶颈性问题。

    Still some problems in modern tobacco agriculture development in our province . 3 .

  12. 郴州烟区发展现代烟草农业的问题与对策研究

    Research on the Problem and Countermeasure of Development of Modern Tobacco Agricultural in Chenzhou

  13. 这些问题严重制约着凉山州现代烟草农业进一步发展。

    These problems seriously restrict the further development of modern tobacco agriculture in Liangshan .

  14. 发展现代烟草农业的思考与对策&以广东南雄为例

    Consideration and countermeasure on the modern tobacco agriculture development & take Guangdong Nanxiong for example

  15. 现代烟草农业是目前我国烟草行业发展的主题。

    Modern tobacco agriculture is a development theme of tobacco industry in our country at present .

  16. 河南省发展现代烟草农业的现状、问题与对策

    The Current Situation , Problems and Countermeasures of Development of Modern Tobacco Agriculture in Henan Province

  17. 推进现代烟草农业建设保持烟叶生产健康发展

    Push forward Construction of Modern Tobacco Agriculture to Keep the Healthy Development of Tobacco Leaf Production

  18. 加快现代烟草农业发展步伐,提高烟叶的经营管理水平,创新管理体制。

    Such as , accelerate development of modern agriculture , improve tobacco leaves management level and innovative management system .

  19. 最后,在前文的研究基础上文章提出促进武夷山现代烟草农业发展的对策。

    Finally , the paper puts forward some effective measure about how to develop modern agricultural tobacco industry according to the above-all studies .

  20. 本文研究结果为探索适合浏阳市现代烟草农业发展的道路,加快浏阳现代烟草农业建设步伐,发展现代烟草农业,促进浏阳社会经济发展具有重要的理论指导意义。

    The results in this thesis have important theoretical significance for developing modern tobacco agriculture and advancing the development of economy in Liuyang .

  21. 集约化烘烤是随着现代烟草农业的推进和密集烤房的应用而出现的一种新的烤烟生产组织形式。

    Intensive tobacco curing appeared as a new production organized form with the promoting of modern tobacco agriculture and the use of bulk-curing barn .

  22. 发展现代烟草农业,既贯彻落实了中央的精神,又反映了烟农的愿望,同时也是行业自身持续发展的需要。

    The development of modern tobacco agriculture implemented the central spirit , reflected the hopes of tobacco farmer and can promote tobacco continuous improvement .

  23. 2007年7月中国烟草专卖局提出了积极推动传统烟叶生产向现代烟草农业转变的战略。

    The State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau made a strategy in July , 2007-the transition of traditional tobacco - growing industry to modern tobacco agriculture industry .

  24. 一是全面推进现代烟草农业建设,保障烟农利益,建立稳固的烟叶发展战略同盟。

    First , comprehensively promote the construction of modern tobacco agriculture ; protect the interests of farmers ; developing a solid strategic alliance with the tobacco .

  25. 农牧交错区草业助推技术体系研究&以宁南试区为例以农业信息化助推现代烟草农业建设

    Research on the establishment of technical system for grass industry propulsion in the farming-pastoral ecotone ; Speeding up the Construction of the Modern Tobacco Agriculture by Agricultural Information

  26. 2007年国家烟草专卖局做出了发展现代烟草农业的战略部署,为发展我国的现代农业做出积极探索。

    State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau made an important plan on the development of modern tobacco agriculture in 2007 , which made active attempt in the development of modern agriculture .

  27. 散叶收购是一项收购模式的重要革新,既符合发展现代烟草农业的要求,又具有实际效益。

    Loose-leaf purchasing is an important innovation of purchasing mode , both accord with the requirements of the development of tobacco agriculture modernization , but also has practical benefits .

  28. 通过几年来现代烟草农业建设的积极推进与有效探索,连城县烤烟种植户均规模水平得到了提升。

    Through the years the construction of modern agriculture and actively promote tobacco and effective exploration , the level of average household size in Liancheng County tobacco cultivation has improved .

  29. 发展现代烟草农业和培育职业烟农,是解决农业劳动力短缺和提高烟农素质的根本措施。

    The development of modern tobacco agriculture and the cultivation of professional tobacco farmers is the fundamental measure to solve the labor shortages and improve the quality of tobacco growers .

  30. 为适应现代烟草农业发展的要求,连城县烟草专卖局(分公司)积极开展了现代烟草农业建设。

    In order to meet the requirements of modern agricultural development of tobacco , Liancheng County Tobacco Monopoly Bureau ( Branch ) take active in the construction of modern agriculture development of tobacco .