
huán jìnɡ diào chá
  • environmental survey
  1. 江苏省某地区天然放射性环境调查与评价

    Environmental survey and assessment of natural radioactivity for a certain area of Jiangsu province

  2. 汕头港生态环境调查和污染现状评价

    Ecological Environmental Survey and Assessment of the Present State of Pollution in Shantou Harbor

  3. 遥感技术为大范围的环境调查和监测提供了时间和空间上连续覆盖的信息源,GIS技术为空间数据的管理和分析提供了有力的工具。

    Remote sensing supplies continuous information sources to environment surveying and monitoring in a large region . GIS is a powerful tool to management and analysis spatial data .

  4. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceChina)前不久开展的一项商务环境调查发现,83%的成员企业受到了中国政府审查互联网的不利影响。

    A recent business climate survey conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce China found that 83 percent of its member companies were negatively affected by Internet censorship by the Chinese government .

  5. ±500kV直流输电系统电磁环境调查研究

    Research on the EM Environment of HVDC Transmission System

  6. 指出3S技术、野外和室内测试试验、长观动态监测和地球物理勘探等是矿山环境调查的主要技术手段和方法;

    In the meanwhile 3S technology , field and lab experiments , long-term dynamic observation and geo-physical prospectings are thought to be the main technological means and methods .

  7. 不过,Cites的禁令只涵盖原木、锯好的木材和木板,环境调查署已经敦促Cites的各缔约方弥补这个漏洞。

    However , the Cites ban only covers logs , sawed timber and veneers , a loophole in its enforcement that the Environmental Investigation Agency has urged Cites parties to close .

  8. 需要50到100年才能产出木材,环境调查署的高级森林项目负责人杰戈·沃德利(JagoWadley)在接受采访时说。

    They take 50 to 100 years before they are producing timber , Jago Wadley , a senior forest campaigner with the Environmental Investigation Agency , said in an interview .

  9. 海岛环境调查中遥感技术的应用前景

    The potential use of remote sensing in environmental research of lslands

  10. 户县秦岭山前冲积平原区生态环境调查

    Investigation for Ecological Condition in Alluvial Plain Area of Huxian County

  11. 农业地质环境调查项目持续性评价初探

    Study on the Agro - geography Investigation Project Sustainability Assessment

  12. 迪拜汉语教学环境调查研究

    An Investigation Report on the Chinese Teaching Environment at Dubai

  13. 大田县自然生态环境调查与保护措施

    Investigation of Natural Ecological Environment and Its Protection Countermeasures in Datian Country

  14. 写字楼中的不良气体办公室工作环境调查

    The office working conditions investigation The Emissivity of Gas

  15. 高分辨率卫星影像在生态环境调查及生态功能区划分中的应用研究

    Application of High Resolution Satellite Image in Ecological Environment Investigation and Ecological Regionalization

  16. 哮喘儿童照顾者心理状况及家庭环境调查

    To survey the psychologic states of asthmatic children 's attendants and family circumstances

  17. 公路建设项目沿线区域社会环境调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis for Social Environment Influence of the Region along the Highway

  18. 学习障碍儿童行为问题、家庭环境调查

    Study on the behaviors and family environments of school children with learning disorder

  19. 四川省某铜矿的环境调查及对资源综合利用的建议

    Environmental investigation and suggestion on comprehensive utilization of a copper deposit in Sichuan Province

  20. 唇腭裂患者心理状态及社会心理环境调查

    Investigation to psychology of children with lip and palate cleft and their social environment

  21. 核电站放射性环境调查的气溶胶采样方法

    Aerosol sampling method of the radiation environmental investigation

  22. 农业地质环境调查成果在农产品认证中的应用

    Application of the results of agrogeological environmental survey in the certification of agricultural products

  23. 通过环境调查发现,人们的家里家外都具有很高的铅浓度。

    Environmental investigations have found very high concentrations of lead both outside and inside peoples'homes .

  24. 在已进行环境调查的47种环境激素中,已检出的有24种,占二分之一。

    24 out of the 47 investigated environmental hormones have been detected during the investigation .

  25. 寒冷地区住宅夏季室内热环境调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on indoor thermal environment in summer for residential building in cold zone

  26. 综合物探方法在天津市浅层贝壳堤地质环境调查中的应用

    The application of integrated geophysical methods to geological environment survey of the shallow shell bank in Tianjin

  27. 再次,要加强矿山环境调查、监测以及灾害防治;

    Moreover , strengthen the investigation and monitoring of the mine environment , and prevent the calamity ;

  28. 社会幸福之外的劳动工人们&劳工工作环境调查

    Laborer working conditions investigation

  29. 新疆城镇饮用水水源地环境调查与保护对策

    Environmental Research and Protection Countermeasure on The Source of Drinking Water in The Town of Xinjiang . Jiang

  30. 贵州兴仁煤矿区土壤表土与沉积物中砷的环境调查研究

    Investigation on arsenic in surface soils and sediments from the coal area of Xingren county , guizhou Province